Onesie has become a totem

Onesie has become a totem

The Cosenza striker has shone this season.

In football it is easy to come across a practically perfect year for a single player, who will no longer be able to replicate that idyllic moment in the continuation of his career. However, at the same time there are also those seasons that represent a real watershed in the path of an athlete, both for their impact on the purely technical sphere and for their influence in terms of mental growth. In any case, if it is currently impossible to predict which of the two cases could match the future of Gennaro Tutinoon the other hand it is also logical to underline how the return to Cosenza was the ideal context in which to redeem himself for him, who will blow out 28 candles in August and who will therefore also be called by his age to realize his talent.

In fact, so far it has been precisely this discontinuous performance that has prevented the rossoblù striker from crossing skies well within the reach of his qualities, given that before this year Tutino had alternated excellent peaks – above all the first experience in the shadow of “Marulla” between 2017 and 2019 and 2020/21 he scored 13 goals in the Salernitana shirt – with sad misses, as recently happened in Parma and Palermo.

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Despite these discussions, however, now the time has come to outline what, in the season just ended, was the real contribution of the prodigal son to the cause of the Sila team, literally clinging to the goals of her number 9 in the most delicate phases of the championship and finally managed to mathematically distance themselves from the fight for salvation with a couple of days to spare. Nonetheless, in reality, Tutino was not “only” the scorer with 20 centers in total in the competition (absolute record in the history of the Calabrian club in Serie B), but he also fully embodied the figure of the leader on and off the pitch, managing thus acting simultaneously as the gravitational center of the entire team and as the much-loved leader of the square: in essence, a truly essential added value, which consequently contributed decisively to the excellent final placing of captain D’Orazio and co.

As evidence of what has just been said, the most clear example of this crucial role is symbolized by the three matches scheduled in March, when the Wolves, although orphaned of their leader – injured in the opening minutes of the first match of this mini-cycle -, they only manage to win a paltry point out of the nine available, what’s more closing all the challenges dry; furthermore, in this same segment of the tournament the rossoblù team also tries to give a shake up and opts for the change of technical leadership, replacing Fabio Caserta with William Viali and thus focusing on the coach who the previous year had led Cosenza itself to a ‘unhoped-for and heroic salvation.

This choice proved to be absolutely right, given that Viali immediately became fundamental to building renewed tactical stability. Obviously everything also passes, and perhaps above all, from the feet and inventions of Tutino, capable of definitively wearing the role of the cover man and capable of scoring 8 very heavy goals in the last 7 matches.


Lightning-fast attacks from the depths, diabolical surgical conclusions, peremptory gores and stupendous rainbows all around: here is the varied baggage of a top-level gunner, perfectly at ease both in placing the classic strikes of an experienced area pirate and in signing true works of art. In short, the Tutino version prime he is this, that is, a stylish first striker, tremendously effective and equipped with high levels of athletic power and cunning, as well as perennially available to participate in the maneuver thanks to a cutting-edge technique.

However, to better understand the killer instinct of the former Palermo we must order some of his seasonal exploits, so as to precisely analyze the many facets of a truly complete repertoire.

Vertical lunges

One of Tutino’s main weapons is certainly that of recognize open spaces behind the rival rearguard, to then attack them and receive the ball on the run; among other things, specifically, it is also a situation that is difficult to read for the opposing defenders, who are constantly called upon to decide whether to go up to activate the offside or run backwards.

In any case, the evident progress of the Campanian sniper in this particular characteristic cannot be overlooked over the work carried out by Caserta, which since the start of the pre-season he often asked his goalscorer to come closer to his teammates and, consequently, to dictate the deep pass more frequently.

Departure on the edge of offside, stretching towards the goal and lucid malice in the finalization. Also note how the number 9 sprints forward before Forte even prepares for the direct play.

Deadly slashes

Of course another specialty of vice-top scorer of Serie B 2023/24 it is the one inherent to the execution of shots, first of all due to a truly impressive concreteness. In this sense, the first pearl of the hat-trick achieved against Venezia allows us to identify an innate attitude at the moment of pulling the trigger, that is, a gift from upstairs in finding millimetric and lethal precision most of the time, also coordinating in the shortest possible time.

Fairly high difficulty coefficient, considering that Tutino shoots from outside the area and with his weak foot (assuming he has one), but for Joronen in the end there is nothing to do anyway.

In the following circumstance, however, the movement to detach himself from the Südtirol defenders, preparatory to then throwing an extremely poisonous dart, is also to be admired.

Rain class

If, however, you are looking for a compilation of shots imbued with elegance and beauty, here is a trio that will certainly not disappoint you.

A refined and deadly heel strike, two qualities which can also be found in many of the gems set during the year.

A fresco on the far post that freezes Ascoli and certifies Cosenza’s salvation. Proof of the fact that goals must not only be counted, but above all weighed.

Finally, so as not to miss anything, at the “Garilli” in Piacenza Tutino also scored an overhead kickhovering in the air like a dragonfly, after having escaped the radar of a distracted Ceppitelli, and reaching the target by means of a stinging and mocking trajectory.

Super elevation

Finally, although the rossoblù totem only celebrated twice with a header, it must still be highlighted an ability in the air that should not go unnoticed; on the other hand, this scratch against Modena must rightfully be included in the long list of magic spells of the year.

Gyamfi crosses from the midfield, the ’96 class falls into the heart of the enemy fort and anticipates the marker with an unstoppable shot: practically King Midas, given that everything he touches turns into gold.


To complete the portrait of an attacker with various resources, however, it is also necessary to refer toTutino’s inclination for the winning passa propensity which among other things is combined with the repeated search for dribbling with effect or for trick baroque. And so, the two assists you will find below are the ideal closing of the circle.

Intoxicating double step and chocolate deposited for the benefit of the onrushing D’Orazio, who climbs onto Fiamozzi’s shoulders and unwraps the gift.

This time it is the faithful squire Marras who takes advantage of his teammate’s unstoppable play. A fair recognition for the bombastic season of the number 7, a real key player in Cosenza’s tactical chessboard and Tutino’s splendid sidekick in the Wolves’ most glorious days.

We don’t know, as we were saying, where Gennaro Tutino will be able to arrive at the end of the season. We only know that now at 28 years old he has finally completed his repertoire, as he has demonstrated to us over the course of this year. With the hope that this is just a new beginning.

2024-05-20 13:00:00
#Onesie #totem


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