On Track: Walter Tavares Overcomes Adversity and Looks to the Future with Real Madrid

It has not been an easy season for Walter Tavares. He has suffered physical problems and has had the noise of its renewal permanently around him. However, at the most important moment, at the gates of the Final Four, everything has been straightened out: he is going through a great moment and his continuity at Real Madrid is so on track that he speaks as if it were already a fact.

In October, The center suffered from pneumonia which made him lose weight. Antibiotic treatments considerably weakened her strength. Later, in mid-January, after a marathon of matches, he suffered an injury to the external lateral ligament of the right ankle which almost prevented him from competing in the Copa del Rey. He arrived on time, but played diminished, like many of the following games. The Final Four, however, arrives on time. The current MVP is in his best moment of the course. Or close to it.

“Being so big, It has been difficult for me to get into a rhythm after the breaks and to get back to who I was.. I think the most important moment of the season has arrived. I’m getting it. “I’m fine now, I feel comfortable and I can do everything I want.”, assures the pivot. As his words show, his averages In the last 10 games: 9.3 points, 7.7 rebounds, 1.9 blocks and 18.5 rating credits. Plus everything that the statistics do not reflect.

Everyone has to decide where they want to go and where they want to be, but I hope Poirier continues with us

Walter Tavares, Real Madrid center

Olympiacos, rival in this Friday’s semifinal, has plenty of interior personnel: 2.18 Moustapha Fallthe recovered Nikola Milutinovthe mobility of Filip Petrusevthe shot of Alec Peters playing as ‘4’, the forcefulness of Moses Wright… “They also have very great people who practically play like us. We are going to try to do our best so that we come out winners again,” says the Madrid player, who will once again have Vincent Poirier as collaborator.

King Kong y Godzilla

“People say that we are the best couple of tall men but in every game we have to prove it. We will try to do it again in Berlin,” wishes Tavares, who agrees with the French center the most intimidating couple in European basketball in the 21st century. King Kong and Godzilla, as they have sometimes been renamed on social networks. They have dominated the block statistics this season (1.5 per game each) with Fall behind.

Incompatible on the court, when one plays the other sits and vice versa. Without disagreements, without egos, looking only at the good of the team. “When he plays well I am the happiest in the world. I understand that if a game is not for me, it is for him. We have combined very well and “He is the best companion of five that I have ever had.”explains Tavares, who He hopes the couple doesn’t break up in the summer..

He is close to renewing after negotiations that have lasted more than a year and have added more complexity to their season. “I have always thought about fighting to stay. And if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. Life goes on. “I’m going to fight until the last game to be able to stay here.”he states before speaking in terms of continuity when referring to Poirier, who has a great offer from Anadolu Efes: “I hope he doesn’t leave because we get along very well.”. He is an incredible guy, very close and always willing to help. I hope it stays. “Everyone has to decide where they want to go and where they want to be, but hopefully it will be with us.”.

2024-05-23 10:02:30
#reaches #Final #considers #renewed


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