Oaktree becomes the new owner of Inter Milan

The American investment fund Oaktree is in fact the new owner of the Lombard club. He announced this in the morning by press release: “This follows the non-repayment of the three-year loan granted by Oaktree to Inter holdings, which expired on May 21, 2024 with a total balance of approximately 395 million ‘euros. »

Indeed, the now ex-boss of the team, Steven Zhang, had taken out a loan of 275 million euros in 2021, to deal with “record financial losses for the 2020-2021 financial year”, marked by Covid. Zhang, at the head of the Suning company, had until Tuesday, May 21 to repay the debt, and the 12% interest that goes with it. The situation having not been resolved, Internazionale therefore passes under the American flag.

“Oaktree is dedicated to achieving the best results for the long-term prosperity of Inter, with a primary focus on the operational and financial stability of the club and its stakeholders,” the fund added.

“A risky situation for the club”

This Saturday, Zhang took offense in a press release at the handling of the situation. He believes that the imposed deadline would “compromise (the) financial stability” of the club. “In the months leading up to the expiration of the agreement with Oaktree, we made every effort to find an amicable solution with our partner, including providing multiple opportunities for Oaktree to obtain a full financial return and immediate. Unfortunately, our efforts thus far have been met with legal threats and a significant lack of involvement from Oaktree. This has all been very frustrating and disappointing, this behavior now creates a risky situation for the club which could seriously compromise its stability. »

Owner since 2016, Suning enjoyed a period of glory with Inter, with seven trophies won including two Scudetti (2021, 2024). It now remains to be seen what Oaktree wants to do with the club valued at 1.6 billion euros in 2023 by Forbes.


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