No agreement to choose the new leadership of the ANC

The ANC remains divided. The triumphal walk that the reformists predicted with the candidacy of Lluís Llach is being much steeper than expected. As the ARA has been able to learn, two candidates have applied for the presidency and the singer-songwriter, the bet of the critics to turn a page on the civic list, has been one of them, but the sector that flags the current management has presented an unexpected candidate. This is Josep Punga, an economist at the UAB, 27 years old, son of an exiled father from Angola and a Congolese mother.

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None of the two, however, has received the support of the necessary two-thirds (48 of the 72 secretaries) that are required to elect the new president and the other three organic positions. Llach, who was the most voted candidate by members a week ago, has received the endorsement of 43 secretaries, while Punga, the 27, and one secretary has voted blank. The session will resume in the afternoon, but there is already a proposal from the current management on the table: that Llach be the president and Punga, the vice-president. It remains to be seen whether the reformers, who wanted to clean up, now accept the proposal to break the deadlock.

The civic list, after being rejected by the minimum, is no longer what is at stake. The reformists claim the need to rebuild bridges with all pro-independence actors after the Assembly distanced itself from them due to the lack of will to take the independence process forward. The sector championed by the secretaries of the current management who have been re-elected defend maintaining the independence of the parties and maintaining the commitment to unilateralism. Supporters of distancing themselves from the parties warn that the Assembly can become “the sectorial mobilization of Junts” due to the support of many of the new secretaries in Junts.

Approach to Together

Llach, who has been very belligerent with ERC, showed his support for Carles Puigdemont on 12-M and also for Toni Comín in the European elections, in an unprecedented decision with an aspirant for the presidency of the entity , which in principle must maintain its independence.

In fact, Puigdemont congratulated Llach for being the most voted candidate. “We rebuild units, we strengthen bridges, we share strategies, for independence,” he wrote to X. That Julià de Jòdar or Toni Strubell also signed the manifesto in support of the former president upsets this sector of the Assembly, which wants to preserve independence of the organization

2024-05-25 12:34:15
#agreement #choose #leadership #ANC


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