NHL 24 Simulation Predicts Latvia’s Victory Over France in World Championship Game

For example, before each World Cup final, FIFA creates simulations of the matches and predicts the winners in this way, and surprisingly, they have been accurate several times.

“tv3.lv” with the help of video game enthusiast Roberts Saukums will use this interesting approach to virtually simulate the outcomes of the Latvian match of subgroup B in the NHL 24 game, of course, with great hope to do it in the continuation of the tournament.

Roberts previously made specific settings in the computer game, he tried as closely as possible to match the composition of the Latvian and opposing teams to this year’s championship, which will allow more accurate prediction of the results of the games.

According to the second prediction of the NHL 24 computer game, it is expected that Latvia will continue the world championship race on a positive note and will win over France in a seven-goal game. Latvia will also have an advantage in terms of shots (31:25).

PHOTO: tv3.lv

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However, “tv3.lv” reminds that this virtual forecast is only an entertaining way to impatiently wait for the matches of the Latvian national team. The simulation does not reflect the actual outcome of the game!

The Latvian hockey team will play the second game of the Czech World Championship against France on Sunday at 17:20 at the Ostrava Arena.

This year, the WC will take place in the Czech cities of Prague and Ostrava from May 10 to 26. Latvian hockey players will play in one group against the national teams of France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden and the USA.

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