New Beginnings for Garching Atomics: Electing a Fresh Board for Their 30th Anniversary

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    The new board of Garching Atomics: (from left) Leon Jäkel, Alexander Ulbrich, Matthew Holliday, Tim Warmels and Tobias Kürten. © Atomics

    For their 30th birthday, the Garching baseball players are electing a new board.

    Garching – A good three decades ago, some students from Garching met regularly in the parish hall of St. Severin to hit paper balls around the room with a broomstick. This was the beginning of a passion for baseball, which shortly later resulted in the founding of a club – the Garching Atomics.

    This club has now grown to almost 200 members and is celebrating its 30th birthday this year. And just in time for the anniversary, Atomics is making a new start. After 20 years on the board – the last 15 as president – Stefan Sauer has withdrawn from the club’s management. In his place, Tim Warmels was elected as chairman at the general meeting. He is supported by a completely new board of directors – with Matthew Holliday and Tobias Kürten as deputies, the secretary Alexander Ulbrich and Leon Jäkel as treasurer.

    “I am very happy that we have found five people who will take on responsibility,” says the outgoing chairman. After all, it was still unclear before the meeting whether enough candidates could be found for the position. Sauer had already announced in his Christmas email to the members that the board wanted to withdraw. “The decision was not easy for me,” says Stefan Sauer. After all, the job as club chairman “became a dream job” for him after his first election in 2004, as he emphasizes. “And I would still have a lot of fun doing it.” The problem, however, is that he has recently become a lone fighter due to withdrawals and unfilled positions. “And one person alone can’t do it.”

    That’s why he’s now decided to make a “hard cut,” says Sauer. “I want to give the club the chance to try something new and bring in a breath of fresh air.” Despite his withdrawal from club management, Stefan Sauer will remain with the Atomics – as a player in the second division team, but also as a volunteer. “I will continue to get involved,” he announces. “But now I’m picking the cherries and deciding where I want to get involved.”

    2024-05-22 15:05:08
    #Atomics #beginning


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