Mbappé bids farewell to PSG with “head held high” and one last trophy

Kylian Mbappé played his last match with PSG on Saturday during the Coupe de France final against Lyon (2-1). A moving finale.

Published on: 05/26/2024 – 09:47

2 mn

“Me and Paris SG are over.” No surprise turnaround after the victory against Lyon in the final of the Coupe de France (2-1), Kylian Mbappé will leave PSG during the transfer window.

“We leave with our heads held high,” said the Bondy prodigy, promising that his next club would be announced “within a few days”. The French superstar is expected at Real Madrid, after seven years at PSG.

“We leave with our heads held high”, with “emotion and nostalgia”

“Finishing with a trophy, there’s nothing better, it feels a lot of good,” he told the press. A final final, “we have time to think and that’s never good for a footballer”, but “no matter what happened, we try to give the full measure”, added Mbappé.

This meeting was a stronger feeling for him than during his last match at the Parc des Princes, two weeks ago, he said: “It’s even stronger when you know it’s over, that jogging is no longer going to be of any use, that’s something else.”

“We leave with our heads held high”, with “emotion and nostalgia”, he confided. “Playing for PSG is unique, it’s something that I recommend,” smiled the striker. “What I got here I won’t find anywhere else, even if there will be magical things too.”

Also read: Samuel Eto’o: “Mbappé is the best player in the world”

When will he announce his arrival at Real Madrid? “The best thing to do is to finish saying goodbye, there is a time for everything, I will announce it as soon as possible, probably within a few days,” he replied, without mentioning the club merengue.

With AFP


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