Mark Caljouw Falls Short of Qualifying for Paris Olympics

Mark Caljouw not going to the Paris Olympics

Thursday May 23, 12:00 noon

Unfortunately, Mark Caljouw did not qualify for the Olympic Games in Paris. Caljouw met the international requirements of the Badminton World Federation (BWF), but not the national requirements of NOC*NSF.

The 29-year-old badminton player, ranked number 45 in the world, finished 21st in the men’s singles on the cleared qualifying rankings for the Games, which entitles him to participate under BWF rules. However, sports association NOC*NSF has also set qualification requirements. Caljouw had to reach the semi-finals at the European Championships, the last sixteen at a Super 750 tournament or the last eight at a Super 500 tournament, which was not achieved.

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2024-05-23 11:50:24
#Mark #Caljouw #Paris #Olympics


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