Manchester City will get rid of 17% of Girona’s shares

In the last few hours, different headlines in the press have suggested that Girona’s participation in the Champions League next season may be jeopardized by the requirements imposed by UEFA on timeshares in relation to the link that the Montilivi club has with Manchester City through of the City Football Group (CFG). Well, the red and white entity ensures that Míchel’s men will have no problem playing in the Champions League because, as Diari de Girona explained, The relationship with the ‘citizens’ will vary for the next year with the intention that there is no type of incompatibility to compete in Europe.

Article 5 on the integrity of the competition of the UEFA regulations states that Girona must be able to certify starting June 3, 2024 -it is the deadline- that meets a series of criteria such as: not holding or trading securities or shares with any other team participating in UEFA (i.e. in the Champions League, Europa League or Conference League); not be a member of any other club participating in UEFA; not be involved or have any power in any of the management, administration and/or sporting performance functions of any other club participating in UEFA; etc

This directly affects the organization of the shareholders of the rojiblanco club, which At this point it is in the hands of CFG with 47% of the shares, Marcelo Claure with 35% and Pere Guardiola’s Girona Football Group with 16%.. In compliance with UEFA regulations, CFG will cease to be the main shareholder of Girona and will divest 17% of its shares to be left with only 30% – which is the maximum allowed by the European entity – and thus begin to have a secondary role.

It must be remembered that the CFG owns 100% of the shares of Manchester City. The management of this operation has been taking place for months and UEFA is on the case, so there should not be any type of alarmism with the date of June 3.

Changes in the Council

In the same way, changes will have to occur in the Board of Directors chaired by Pere Guardiola. At the moment, three of the five members are also part of City and will have to leave Girona. These are John MacBeath, Simon Cliff and Ingo Bank.

Regarding player transfers, UEFA stipulates that clubs subject to timeshare regulations procedures before the Club Financial Control Committee (CFCB) will not have the right to transfer new players between themselves during the competition season or during the first window of the subsequent transfer market. In this sense, both Girona and City are studying the formula to maintain player loans. CFG welcomes Savinho continuing his football growth under Míchel’s orders. It would also be the case of Yan Couto.


If UEFA considers that the clubs – Girona and City – do not meet the established criteria, the body specifies that only one of the two may be admitted to the European competition. If this were the case, the highest ranked team in the respective national championship would participate, that is, City because The Premier League has a better coefficient than the Spanish Leaguedespite the fact that work is being done to not reach this point.

The main concern that Girona has is adapt Montilivi to the Champions League. After confirming that the European matches will be played in Girona, the club is striving to have everything finished to start the machinery as soon as Míchel’s team finishes the season.

2024-05-16 08:23:57
#Manchester #City #rid #Gironas #shares


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