Macalou back and Kockott in the fray for the clash against UBB

Stade Français, runner-up to Stade Toulousain, hosts UBB this Sunday (9:05 p.m.) for the shock at the top of this 24th day.

Stade Français has no choice. Second and runners-up to Stade Toulousain, the Parisians (2nd, 67 points) host UBB (3rd, 63 points) this Sunday evening (9:05 p.m.) for the 24th day. For this meeting, Sekou Macalou returns to the flanker position while Rory Kockott resumes his starting place in the scrum.

In front, the brothers and pillars Alo-Emile will start. Macalou will be surrounded by Hirigoyen and Habel-Küffner. In the center, Ward will be associated with Joe Marchant while Hamdaoui will be on the right wing. Peyresblanques, Weber and even Dakuwaqa will be on the bench.

The composition of Stade Français Barre – Hamdaoui, Marchant, Ward, Etien – Seconds, Kockott – Habel-Küffner, Macalou, Hirigoyen – Pesenti, Gabrillagues (Cap) – P. Alo-Emile, Ivaldi, M. Alo-Emile

The replacements : Peyresblanques, Abramishvili, Van der Mescht, Chapuis, Weber, Boudehent, Dakuwaqa, Melikidze.


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