Lucas Paqueta Accused of Match-Fixing: FA Opens Investigation

The information had already had the effect of a bomb last summer. While Lucas Paqueta, author of a very good season with West Ham, was getting closer to a record transfer to Manchester City, the English press revealed that the Federation Association (FA) had opened an investigation against the player. The reason ? Potential sports betting offenses including a very suspicious yellow card received during the match between West Ham and Aston Villa. That day, an unusual number of sports bets were observed on the Betway site, the Hammers’ jersey sponsor. Several new accounts had been created at that time on the site, and relatives of the former Lyonnais had bet the maximum sum on a yellow card in this meeting (and Paqueta had been warned).

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Enough to alert the FA who had therefore decided to open an investigation even though the player, unlike the case of Sandro Tonali for example, had not bet himself. Shocked, Lucas Paqueta had only proclaimed his innocence in this affair and last October, the English press revealed that he had done everything to collaborate with the investigators. The 26-year-old midfielder had notably authorized the courts to access his phone and explained that he had not been aware of his relatives’ bets. But this Thursday, the verdict was in. After more than 9 months of investigation, the FA confirms and accuses Lucas Paqueta of match-fixing.

Read Lucas Paqueta’s very annoyed reaction to the FA’s accusations

Lucas Paqueta must explain himself quickly

“Lucas Paqueta of West Ham United has been charged with misconduct in relation to alleged breaches of FA Rules E5 and F3. The player was charged with four breaches of FA Rule E5.1 in relation to his conduct during the club’s Premier League matches against Leicester City on November 12, 2022; Aston Villa on March 12, 2023; Leeds United on May 21, 2023; and AFC Bournemouth on 12 August 2023. It is alleged that he directly sought to influence the course, conduct or any other aspect or event of these matches by intentionally seeking to receive a card from the referee for the improper purpose to allocate bets so that one or more people can profit from the bets”we can read in particular in the press release from the English football body.

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But that’s not all. In its press release, the FA accuses the Brazilian international (who has just been called up for the Copa America after several months of absence due to this affair) of not having respected two other rules. “Lucas Paqueta has also been charged with two violations of FA Rule F3 due to alleged breaches of FA Rule F2. The player has until June 3, 2024 to respond to these accusations, subject to any request to extend this deadline. The FA will make no further comment until the conclusion of this matter.” Rule F2-F3 concerns the obligation for players, managers or even clubs to present themselves and provide all the documents required by the FA which the player has not done. The Brazilian therefore has a little over a week to respond to the FA’s accusations. As a reminder, in a sports betting case, Sandro Tonali was suspended for 2 months by the FA.

Pub. 05/23/2024 5:14 p.m. Updated 05/23/2024 5:50 p.m.

2024-05-23 15:14:43
#accuses #Lucas #rigged #match #packages


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