Luc Primaube Basket U15 Men’s Team Clinches Aveyron Lozère Champion Title for 2023-2024 Season

The U15 men’s team (D1) of Luc Primaube Basket won the Aveyron Lozère champion title for the 2023-2024 season against the Rignac club in the play-offs.

In the first leg, in Rignac, coach Marine’s protégés won 55 to 42 (+13 pts). In the return match, they lost 47 to 40 40 (- 7 pts).

Bonus victory (+6 pts).

A big congratulations to all the players and their coach Marine for this great season, with only one defeat and 11 victories on the clock. Thank you to the parents for their presence and support as well as to Jacky Moliné for his very good management of travel, schedules, etc.

To your pencils. For the 30th anniversary of the National Mini Basketball Day, the committee launched a challenge to the U7/U9/U11: draw for the French basketball teams.

Send the drawing to the committee email address ([email protected]) or submit it during training sessions before May 22, noon.

Don’t forget to put your first name and the name of the club in which you play.

On May 24, your drawing will appear on the committee’s networks in order to vote.

The drawing receiving the most points will win the game.

The winner will be announced on National Mini Basketball Day on Saturday June 1st.

2024-05-17 09:23:07
#LuclaPrimaube #Basketball #U15 #champions #AveyronLozère #season


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