Lions Dolphins Secure Double Victory on the Diamond

First successes of the season for the Lions Dolphins who went on to win both games on the Padule diamond. The first victory in game one is 12-7. A fully balanced match where the Tuscan team led 7-6 until the sixth inning. Then the three points scored by the Lions Dolphins in both the seventh and ninth attacks largely turned the score around with the consequent victory. Worth noting is Sellaroli’s great performance in the batter’s box: six hits in six rounds. The second match, won 5-2, saw the new Dominican pitcher Laurencio Vil Marcial, who arrived during the week, in great form, leaving 12 men at home plate in six games and allowing only two hits. Also good was reliever Matos Heredia (8 strikeouts). The Lions Dolphins took the lead in the fifth on singles by Sellaroli and Belardi, pushing Passa and De Angelis to a point (2-0). In the sixth, Passa’s hit brings home Riccardo Visalli from second for the third score. Then a wild pitch and a passed ball by the catcher made it 5-0. Padule closes the gap in the eighth inning on Gentili’s single which scores Parisi and Medina. With this double victory the Lions Dolphins leave the bottom of the table, where Padule remains at zero.

2024-05-12 14:18:49
#Baseball #Lions #Dolphins #successes #arrive #Padule #diamond


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