La Aparo distributes sticks for flags in the preview of the match against Zaragoza

The Association of Real Oviedo Supporters Clubs (Aparo) urges the blue fans to go to the Tartiere this afternoon for Oviedo’s match against Zaragoza (4:15 p.m.) and to welcome the team on Alejandro Casona street (2:15 p.m.), with flags from the carbayón club.

The supporters club members say they have acquired flag sticks that meet the requirements to be able to bring them into the stadium, having been done following the instructions of the Real Oviedo security coordinator. Members of the Aparo will deliver these poles in Plaza Pedro Miñor from 12:30 p.m. until supplies last and ask fans not to bring their own poles for safety.

2024-05-11 20:06:13
#Aparo #distributes #sticks #flags #preview #match #Zaragoza


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