Judo Showdown: Alina Böhm’s Quest for the Olympics in Abu Dhabi

Judo: Will Alina Böhm get her Olympic ticket in Abu Dhabi?

Photo: picture alliance /​PIXSELL | Sanjan Strukic

It is still unclear whether Alina Böhm or Anna-​Maria Wagner will take to the mat for Germany in the light heavyweight division at the Olympic Games in Paris this summer. National coach Pusa has to decide by Monday – also based on the World Cup fights on Wednesday.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Benjamin Richter
54 seconds reading time

A world championship as the final chapter of the duel for the Olympic ticket between Alina Böhm, who trained at the Heubach Judo Center, and Anna-Maria Wagner from the KJC Ravensburg – excitement is inevitable. Tension included.

“Alina is under enormous pressure,” reports her home trainer Sven Albrecht from the Heubacher club, who has recently been in contact with the athlete primarily by telephone, “but she wants to achieve everything and do her best.”

The preparation since the last Grand Slam tournament in Dushanbe in Tajikistan, where Böhm won silver and Wagner won gold two weeks ago, has gone well. “She is fit,” says Albrecht.

In order to convince national coach Claudiu Pusa, Alina Böhm, who comes from Böbingen and is now training at the federal base in Cologne, has to make up for a gap: Anna-​Maria Wagner is currently ahead of her in the world and Olympic qualification rankings, in the latter by the distance is currently 1167 points.

You can find out how Alina Böhm could overcome this gap and why even a world championship title does not guarantee her participation in the Olympics in the Rems newspaper from May 22nd. The complete edition is also available in the iKiosk.

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2024-05-22 10:33:04
#Alina #Böhm #ticket #Olympics #Abu #Dhabi


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