Judo San Cesareo Triumphs at Italian A2 Beginners Championships

Judo San Cesareo Triumphs at Italian A2 Beginners Championships

At the Italian A2 Beginners Championships in Olbia, the Judo San Cesareo conquers the top step of the club rankings.

The Italian Judo Beginners B A2 Championship took place in Olbia last weekend. More than 500 athletes in the category competed in the Geovillage sports hall under 15 belonging to 256 companies from all over Italy.

The Asd Judo San Cesareo presented itself with three athletes: Jacopo Pisciaroli in the 55kg category, Miryam Porcari in the 48kg and Sara Ferro in the +70kg category. All admitted to the national final thanks to the results obtained in the regional qualifying competitions.

The result, at the end of the two days of competitions, is an en plein of medals for Judo San Cesareo.

The success of the sports club is opened Jacopo Pisciaroli who, in his first year in the category, won the bronze medal. Excellent match from Jacopo who only lost in the semi-final due to warnings but won all the other five matches with confidence and excellent technique. In the women’s category, the two athletes from San Cesareo, both in their first year, advance with ippon to the final. Sara Ferroin the +70kg category, lost the last match and won a splendid silver, fighting with determination and a lot of grit.

He puts the icing on the cake Miriam Porcari who in the 48kg category won the title of Italian Champion by winning all the matches with confidence, showing off a variety of techniques and excellent judo.

The scores obtained by the athletes allow Judo San Cesareo to win the title of Italian Champion reserved for clubs in the women’s category, ahead of Fiamme Oro and Cus Siena, and to rank second in the general ranking, preceded only by KUMIAI of Turin.

A result obtained thanks to the excellent work of the technicians Alessio Porcari and Mauro Berardi who, after the title won last year with the victory of Yuri Berardi, confirm the Lazio sports club at the top of national judo and are now preparing to guide the athletes in the Jesolo, next June 9th for the A1 finals.

2024-05-27 17:04:13
#Judo #San #Cesareo #full #medals #place #Italian #Beginners #Championships #Olbia


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