Japanese Dominate Medal Table at Mubadala Arena Judo Competition

The contest at the Mubadala Arena will continue the category competition, in which the Japanese dominated the medal table, despite not bringing their main figures, thanks to the crowns of the athlete Wakaba Tomita (more than 78 kilograms) and among the men of Ryoma Tanaka (66) and Goki Tajima (90), who will be key this Friday in the collective battle.

Also with podium options are France, Tokyo 2020 Olympic champion, although with notable absences here, such as the living judo legend Teddy Riner, Germany, Georgia and Brazil, the only Latin American representation present.

The competition will take place in the female categories of less than 57 kilograms, less than 70 and more than 70 and the men’s categories of less than 73, less than 90 and more than 90, with a draw to define the division in the event of a three-way tie. in a duel.


2024-05-24 08:09:56
#Japan #favorite #mixed #teams #Judo #World #Cup


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