It’s official: ‘Thiago Motta does not renew with Bologna’ – Football

The announcement was in the air and now it’s official: “This morning Thiago Motta communicated to the club his intention not to renew his contract with Bologna FC 1909”. A detail that is not a detail: the contract expires on 30 June and therefore the coach who led Bologna to the Champions League is free to accept new challenges.

Therefore, Bologna argues, “having taken note of the decision, the Club thanks the coach for the extraordinary work carried out and wishes him the best of luck for the rest of his career”.

“In these two years I have met a prepared and winning coach who has given the team a brilliant playing identity. The achievement of qualifying for the Champions League hands him and all the players into the history of our Club. I would have liked him to stay at Bologna, but I can only thank him and his staff for these wonderful seasons and wish him the best for the future.” Bologna president Joey Saputo says so, after Thiago Motta’s decision not to renew his contract with the rossoblù.

“Thanks to Bologna, you made me a proud and happy man.” This is in short the message of Thiago Motta – in a statement to ANSA – on the day of his farewell. “In these two years – adds the coach – we have experienced a cycle of great growth together for everyone, for me, for the boys and also for the club. I am proud to have brought Bologna to the Champions League without ever betraying our playing philosophy and the great passion of the fans who pushed and motivated us at all times.” “I thank the president Joey Saputo – continues Motta -. I thank and embrace all my players who in these two seasons have joined our idea of ​​football, committing themselves from day one. I thank all the people who work with daily dedication for this club. I thank Bologna and the people of Bologna because they have made me a happy man.”

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2024-05-23 14:10:29
#official #Thiago #Motta #renew #Bologna #Football


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