Italy to Host Women’s Softball World Cup for the First Time in Street Castions, Friuli Venezia Giulia

The Women’s Softball World Cup was presented at the Foro Italico and will be held in Italy for the first time, in Street Castionsin Friuli Venezia Giulia, from 15 to 20 July, stage of the final phase of XVII World Cup organized by World Baseball Softball Confederation. The press conference was attended by the president of FITP Angelo Binaghi and that of the Italian Softball/Baseball Federation Andrea Marcon, the president of CONI Giovanni Malagò, the captain of the national women’s softball team Giulia Longhi and the technical commissioner Federico Pizzolini.

“We are happy and honored to host the presentation of such an important event of such a prestigious sport – said FITP president Binaghi -. Andrea has long been united by not only a deep friendship but also a broad sharing of some values ​​that are fundamental for us for the development of sport in Italy. And we have great similarities. First of all, I apologize because I have to escape: these are hectic days because I too have to try not to bring but to keep the world championship in Italy as much as possible, my world championship, which is being held in Turin – he added -. And with Andrea, in my opinion, the analogies also extend to our two disciplines because they are two very popular and much more widespread sports in the world, with the difference that ours is in a more advanced phase because compared to Andrea I took the helm with a large group of managers a few years before him, so he is still in the first phase, that of the relaunch, not the authentic explosion as happens to us”.

2024-05-16 10:40:15
#Great #honor #Softball #World #Cup #starts #home #tennis


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