Internship offer: Assistant communication project manager – Marathon des Sables


The MARATHON DES SABLES LEGENDARY (MDS LEGENDARY) and MARATHON DES SABLES (MDS) are international events, offering an adventure of one week to 12 days combining running/hiking in the desert and tourism, attracting between 300 and 1200 participants per editing.

Founded in 1986, these races have had more than 50 editions in various countries such as Morocco, the Island of Fuerteventura, Peru, Jordan, with new destinations to come: Egypt, Turkey, etc.

These adventures are organized by WAA Ultra, a textile brand specializing in outdoor adventures and particularly for desert environments. The intern will be involved in event projects relating to MDS LEGENDARY and MDS as well as projects linked to the WAA brand.


While taking an active part in the development of the various projects, the intern will address in more detail topics related to influencer marketing and digital communication.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of missions that could be assigned:
👉 Administration of different social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn): writing the editorial planning, content creation, moderation, monitoring)
👉 Newsletters / emailing: planning management, writing, translation, sending
👉 Websites – in collaboration with developer teams: creation and updating of content, animation, highlighting promotions
👉 Monitoring collaborations with content creators before, during and after events
👉 Various and varied missions on the events and textile part


👉 Creative, resourceful person, with interpersonal skills and good practical sense
👉 Impeccable oral and written expression in French
👉 Rigor, organization and autonomy
👉 Comfortable with office tools and social networks
👉 Working English (written and spoken), Spanish is a plus
👉 Interest in outdoor sports and extreme adventures.


• Type of contract: 6-month internship
• Start of the internship: June / July 2024
• Location of the internship: Paris

Your complete application file (cover letter and CV) should be sent by email to the following address: [email protected]


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