Increasing Violence Against Journalists in Tunisia: SNJT Report for February 2024

In its monthly report for February 2024, the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) revealed a worrying increase in violence against journalists recorded during the month of April 2024.

The SNJT affirms that according to the report carried out by its Monitoring Unit, 32 journalists, 5 photojournalists and 7 presenters from different media institutions, were victims of violence, adding that these were committed in particular by security personnel, civil servants, activists on social networks, as well as various officials.

The Union therefore called for respect for journalists and the law regulating journalistic work, while asking the Prime Minister to withdraw circulars hindering access to information,

In its recommendations, the SNJT also addressed the Presidency of the Republic, calling on it to “revise its communication policy and deal more openly with Tunisian and foreign media », while demanding from the judicial authorities, the release of journalists in detention and guaranteeing them a fair trial on the basis of decree-law no. 2011-115 of November 2, 2011, relating to freedom of the press.


2024-05-18 00:46:58
#Monthly #report #Worrying #increase #violence #journalists #SNJT


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