Inclusive Sport Event ‘Get to the Heart of Inclusion’ Held at Peppino Impastato Park

Inclusive Sport Event ‘Get to the Heart of Inclusion’ Held at Peppino Impastato Park


Today it was held at the Peppino Impastato Park the initiative “Get to the heart of inclusion”organized by Like Sport APD (Established on 18 December 2014 and made up mainly but not only of parents of children from Lucky Friends) with the patronage of the Regional Council of Calabria which saw the active participation of Lucky Friends ASD through its admirable Coaches and Mamas Lucky Volunteers.

The event promoted inclusive sport through badminton, archery and basketball activities, involving various sports associations and local schools. In addition to the local badminton section of Tycke Sport APD, the Compagnia Arcieri Lametini and Joy Basket Lamezia participated. A significant contribution was provided by the Malgrado Tutto cooperative.

Some classes from IC Saverio Gatti and IC Borrello/Fiorentino who actively took part in the sports and health day together with the Santa Maria Extraordinary Reception Centre. The event was inaugurated by the Lametini Archers Company, who named the initiative by throwing an arrow in the center of the “heart of inclusion” represented by a heart-shaped balloon”. After the sports sessions, Tycke Sport APD offered a buffet and a souvenir gadget with a t-shirt dedicated to inclusion to all participants.

Some institutional representatives also actively participated (the Mayor of Lamezia Terme and a municipal councilor delegated by the President of the Regional Council), bringing a brief greeting to those in attendance. The initiative is part of the path undertaken by Tycke Sport APD to promote inclusion and combat sedentary lifestyle, which began with an awareness campaign in schools last 6 April at the auditorium of the IC Perri/Pitagora in Lamezia Terme.

Tycke Sport APD will continue to promote inclusive sport, solidarity and sustainability with further concrete initiatives, details of which will be provided soon. The event was designed and created in the name of sustainability by establishing a mobile ecological oasis. The organizers thank the participating institutions of the City of Lamezia Terme and the Regional Council of Calabria for the sensitivity shown.

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2024-05-18 01:39:45
#Tycke #Sport #APD #initiative #Lamezia #Terme


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