In Memoriam: Remembering the Life of Christophe Griette

It was with emotion that the population learned of the tragic death of Christophe Griette, which occurred on May 3.

Originally from Abaucourt, he was born on December 16, 1973, he had a sister, Laure, and a brother, Nicolas.

After a normal course up to the baccalaureate then a DUT in 1997, he joined the SNCF. He met Yolaine Lavallée, a young girl from Nomeny. The couple had two children, Charly and Emmi. The family lived in Montenoy. Christophe had the pain of losing his dad in 2021.

He was a great sportsman. He started judo at the age of six, becoming a 4th dan black belt, and had just taken over the presidency of Val de Lorraine judo. Besides judo, Christophe practiced other sports and always challenged himself. He participated every year in the stages of the Tour de France. His last challenge, a hike in Corsica, cost him his life. In an even mood, he leaves family and friends in sorrow.

His funeral will take place this Friday, May 17, at 2:30 p.m., at the Nomeny church.

Our condolences.

2024-05-15 13:25:38
#Obituary #Death #Christophe #Griette


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