«In America I found myself»

22 days before the start, give it to them Europeans of Rome 2024 athletics, scheduled from 7 to 12 June, Marcell Jacobs he told himself to Fiona May, Italian long jump legend who will participate in the European Championships with the role of ambassador. «I am Very good – the Tokyo Olympic champion makes his debut I returned to this beautiful city, I missed it the Olympic, I’m ready to start my season. The Capital is the place where I moved, where I prepared my latest Olympic. She gave me many emotions, many victories, but also defeats which are part of the game.”

«In the USA I recovered energy and motivation»

The months training in America they helped him not only for the athletic part, but to get back in touch with himself: «I have found and Marcell that he was lost and needed to understand what he really wanted from life – he continues – I recovered energy, energy and motivation to get back to competing and get back into the game. The European Championships at home will have a completely different value, plus I am the reigning European champion. Running in front of your people, your own people who supports you with the blue shirt on is something incredible and I can’t wait for that moment to arrive.” The months after Olympic success they weren’t easy for the Fiamme Oro sprinter from Brescia: «First I thought that once I won the gold everything would become easier. Instead, the real work and the difficult part began there. I am a person who has always put myself on the line, I have never been afraid of defeats and disappointments because they are part of our sport. Everyone would always like to win I am a human being like everyone, I have my fears, my difficulties. I admit that before entering the race I have fearit is a normal part that I have learned to accept.”

«The 4×100 relay? Always ready to encourage each other”

Jacobs then focuses on the group of relay race 4×100. “This we trust blindly about each other, we have a beautiful relationship. When we go away we spend a lot together, we organize dinners and we we encourage each other – he explains – This is the our strength, which allows us to present ourselves on the track not as the strongest athletes in the world but as those who make the baton travel the fastest, and to win medals.” The Italian national team is going strong at the moment, there are many athletes who are proving their worth. «I believe that in Rome we can win a lot of medals, I think of Mattia Furlani, Larissa Iapichinoobviously to Gianmarco Let’s goa Leonardo Blacksmiths and for me. Then there are 4×100 and the other relays, we can win several medals and I believe we will be able to have a great European Championship.” The target most ambitious of Rome 2024 is «that people get to know the athlete outside of the performancebecause I believe the moment he begins to see the life he leads, the training sessions, the difficulties he can experience, then he really begins to to fall in love of that person and becomes a true fan who supports him throughout his journey”, explains Jacobs.


1970-01-01 00:00:00


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