High Prairie St. Andrew’s Saints Shine at Northwest Zone Junior High School Badminton Finals

High Prairie St. Andrew’s Saints won several medals at the Northwest Zone junior high school badminton finals Left-right, are Brynn Amyotte, Jemma Hesse, Amanda Donahue, Carley Cox, Brynn Billings, Eli Dubrule, Nathaniel Reyes and Dhyey Vandra. Missing in the photo is Sara Pruden.

Richard Froese
South Peace News

High Prairie St. Andrew’s Saints netted four medals at the Alberta Northwest Zone junior high school badminton finals tournament April 26-27 in High Prairie.

Carley Cox won gold for first place in senior girls’ singles.

Amanda Donahue and Dhyey Vandra won gold for first place in senior mixed doubles.

Brynn Amyotte won silver for second place in senior girls’ singles.

Brynn Billings and Nathaniel Reyes finished second for silver in junior mixed doubles.

Other players competed but did not play in the top three in their categories.

Jemma Hesse and Sara Pruden finished fourth in senior girls’ doubles.

Eli Dubrule placed fourth in his pool.

A total of 230 players from 45 schools competed in the tournament held in High Prairie with games at Prairie River, E.W. Pratt High School, St. Andrew’s School and High Prairie Elementary School.

No provincial championships are held for junior high badminton.

2024-05-09 16:06:09
#Saints #win #medals #badminton #zones


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