“heute-show”: Surprising comeback of the grey geese before Nagelsmann press conference

EM campaign of the “heute-show”

Surprising comeback of the grey geese at Nagelsmann press conference

Status: 3:01 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

“We want to help the DFB”: the reporters of the “heute-show” with DFB President Bernd Neuendorf (left)

Source: Lars Gartenschläger

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Hans Flick’s grey geese have become a symbol of the German national team’s sporting failures, PR mishaps and political slip-ups. At the start of the European Championship training camp, two satirists reminded the DFB of everything

There are still two and a half weeks until the opening match of the European Football Championship, but the final countdown has begun with the German national team moving into its first training camp in Thuringia. For the first time, the senior team will be preparing for a tournament in eastern Germany.

Public interest is increasing, and the German Football Association (DFB) hopes that by the time the tournament begins on June 14th, many people who otherwise have no interest in football will identify with the team. Football will become mainstream, and the European Championship will become a mass event.

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A first foretaste was already given at the DFB’s opening press event on Monday in Blankenhain Castle. 220 journalists and photographers were accredited for the media event, including the ZDF comedians Lutz van der Horst (48) and Fabian Köster (28) from the satirical show “heute-show”.

Neuendorf doesn’t want grey geese

The duo reminded the DFB of the recent past, which the association would like to forget with the upcoming tournament. A time of sporting defeats, PR mishaps and slip-ups on the political stage. Wearing specially made grey goose slogan sweaters, they interviewed DFB President Neuendorf, among others: “We want to help the DFB get back on track in terms of marketing! We’ve come up with something: Fly over the top. We’re not just shooting at the target, we’re shooting beyond the target!” they explained to him.

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Former national coach Hansi Flick had shown a greylag geese video at the Qatar World Cup to motivate the team, which became known to the general public in the Amazon DFB documentary after the tournament and attracted a lot of mockery.

No grey geese planned so far: national coach Julian Nagelsmann


The official understood the allusion and took it professionally with humor: “We have a new coach and a new philosophy,” said Neuendorf: “Let’s see what he pulls out of the box. Graugänse is finished for the moment.”

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Jan Ullrich and his coach

Köster and van der Horst then followed their investigative attitude and tried to confront national coach Julian Nagelsmann with their idea. The duo tried to intercept the 36-year-old after his press conference, but waited in vain. Nagelsmann had no time and returned directly to the team.

What the two of them achieved from the day in the media will be shown in a “heute-show special” broadcast during the European Championships.


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