Hein Vanhaezebrouck’s Future Uncertain: Will He Coach Another Club or Take a Break?

Hein Vanhaezebrouck will no longer be the coach of La Gantoise next season. But does that mean he will coach another club?

This season seemed long to Hein Vanhaezebrouck. Plundered in the off-season, the La Gantoise coach missed the Playoffs by one point and often seemed very frustrated, before and after the match. It was therefore not a big surprise to learn that he would leave Ghent at the end of the season.

And while we already know the identity of his successor, namely Wouter Vrancken, we still do not know what Vanhaezebrouck himself will do. His name has circulated among others at Club Brugge, whether to become sports director or coach.

La Gantoise in a difficult situation

But this Friday, at a press conference, HVZB cast doubt and suggested that he could well take a break. “I have known for a long time what I want to do after this season, it has been decided for a while now. I will communicate it soon,” he assures in comments relayed by Het Laatste Nieuws.

“Perhaps the time has come for me to rest,” adds Vanhaezebrouck. “All this takes more energy from me than it should. Here, I had to do more than just be the coach. I did it with pleasure, but also out of necessity,” he still regrets .

“I knew that if we didn’t resolve a few problems, things wouldn’t go well. I didn’t really know it when I came back, but the situation at the club really wasn’t good,” emphasizes Hein Vanhaezebrouck. “If the winter transfer window contributed to my decision? Maybe.”

2024-05-17 19:00:00
#Hein #Vanhaezebrouck #clue #future #announcing #departure #Gantoise #football


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