Hasan Ismaik’s 100 Million Euro Offer: A New Era for TSV 1860?

Munich – Black Adidas shirt, black shorts, dark sunglasses – and a big cigar in his hand. So Hasan Ismaik is standing on the balcony of some probably very luxurious building. With an unrecognizable mountain backdrop in Bavaria, which he describes as “the holy land”, the Sechzger investor begins to tell a story in an XXL video published on social media on Tuesday afternoon.

100 million for TSV 1860: Hasan Ismaik’s next castle in the air?

The main shareholder of TSV 1860 tells a story for around 14 minutes about the very personal dreams, goals and sufferings of a (seemingly) misunderstood lover of the Lions. A story about countless trials and tribulations in the club history of TSV 1860 over the past 13 years since he joined – and a story about a tempting offer of 100 million euros that hardly any Lions fan does not ask themselves: is he serious or is this just the next pipe dream after his stadium promise? The AZ shows the most important points of Ismaik’s video, about which there will be a lot to talk about, discuss and grumble about in the white and blue cosmos:

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The beginnings and failures of Hasan Ismaik

The 46-year-old begins by talking about his first “direct contact with the Lions” in April 2011: “I was invited to the Allianz Arena, one of the most popular stadiums in the world.” Ismaik was proud to see TSV beat Energie Cottbus 4-0. The fans were “happy,” and Ismaik was “treated with respect” by the club’s representatives at the time.

Then comes the crucial point: “Unfortunately, I had not read the contracts properly. Because 1860 was in need and I had to help immediately, especially because I loved the club. After all, it was about many jobs and the suffering of the fans.” One positive aspect is that, in contrast to many previous statements, Ismaik shows some self-criticism: “And so I became an investor and partner at 1860 Munich without knowing that the 50 + 1 rule overrides everything and that the members indirectly influence the company.” However, the millionaire has made one cardinal error himself: his subsequent years-long fight against 50+1 gradually weakened acceptance and initial sympathy points in the Lions’ camp and multiplied the number of his opponents.

The ideology of the hardliners

Ismaik condemns the organization “Pro1860,” which dominates Sixty’s committees: “There are “ideologues” at 1860 for whom “football doesn’t play a big role.” He mentioned President Robert Reisinger and board member Nicolai Walch by name. “I include them too Experts from Pro1860 who have been celebrated for their statute changes over the years. That’s a shame,” Ismaik continued.

It cannot be denied that the hardliners have gradually changed Sechzig’s sometimes controversial statutes (such as the fact that the board of directors proposes a single presidential candidate), but always confirmed by the vote of the (politically active) members. The much-quoted “silent majority”, on the other hand, has mostly done exactly that – it has remained silent.

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The new beginning with “neutral candidates”

Hardly surprising: Ismaik is campaigning for a coup. Cleverly packaged, he calls for people to be elected “who want to make 1860 better. Regardless of whether they are an alliance or a neutral candidate, everyone is welcome.” Curious: Ismaik announces his own appearance at the general meeting (on June 16th at Zenith), which would be an absolute novelty.

Whether he will actually arrive and vote himself, as mentioned, is questionable: the financier has often been absent after making promises in the past – and nothing is known about his status as a voting member.

The (immoral?) 100 million offer for TSV 1860

Ismaik promises an astronomical sum in the event of a coup: “I’m ready for an investment of 100 million euros so that we can make 1860 Munich great again. Something just has to change.” In the divided fan camps, Ismaik, who still dreams of a derby against FC Bayern on equal terms, is receiving mixed reactions: Some Lions fans are waxing lyrical about this prospect for the future, others condemn his words as a cheap election campaign.

Will his stories create a new balance of power in 1860?


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2024-05-23 05:15:00
#Hasan #Ismaiks #crazy #million #offer #TSV #Whats


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