GLOSSARY: It is an art to say goodbye. Slovácko plays in the Champions League, and can coach others

A month ago, Slovácko announced with a comprehensive explanation that successful coach Martin Svědík would terminate the contract early by mutual agreement.

On Sunday evening, it again published a touching and effective video in which the former representative and long-time icon of the club Michal Kadlec closed his career.

It may sound a little strange, but in today’s professional sports, trustworthy and transparent communication is as important as training, playing or improving stadiums and facilities.

In addition, there is a long history of botched separations, endings and departures in Czech football.

For example, Pavel Horváth felt the aftertaste of the end in Sparta for years. In two seasons with her, he won the league title and two trophies from the domestic cup, but suddenly the matador disappeared to Pilsen as redundant and bitter that at least the club did not publicly defend him after a dispute with the fans.

Slavia got rid of captain Erich Brabec a year later under strange circumstances. Although she placed his face on pre-season billboards, he suddenly did not fit into the concept. Speculation about the real reasons filled the media space for months to come.

The communications teams of the two most famous clubs have swelled considerably since those days. It is clear that their outputs and presentations are much more polished than before.

However, marketing, PR and communication are still done on the knee, on a personal basis, and sometimes even amateurishly at many league addresses.

For example, České Budějovice mysteriously suspended midfielder Jakub Hora during the autumn, who subsequently publicly complained about how the club treats him.

Not even the end of Luboš Kozlo in Liberec was able to accurately communicate, as it would be said in today’s parlance. The information was rumored until it became an open secret, which the outgoing coach suddenly confirmed himself the weekend before last. On the post-match press sheet, which is used to evaluate matches.

“We agreed at the coach’s request that we will not comment on any speculations until the end of the season,” Slovan’s new owner Ondřej Kania explained on the X network. However, the plans with Kozlo reached the journalists.

“I immediately called the coach that I had this information and that it would be necessary to deal with it somehow and that for the club we would prefer an option that is as transparent as possible and, from my point of view, the only correct one – see what Slovácko later did with Martin Svědík,” continued Kania.

“Unfortunately, we could not agree on this option. In retrospect, I unequivocally admit that it was my mistake not to insist on our preferred option and to back down.”

Did you notice? Slovácko also sets an exemplary example in the industry. He can arrange farewell parties. Although Svědík’s and Kadlec’s end was somehow guessed, the information did not leak somewhere sideways. No one awkwardly burned her in an interview or on another channel.

The end of Michal Kadlec was also discussed in the program Přímák on Sport.czVideo:

The announcement remained with the club. The surprise was replaced by the recognition that Slovácko also deserves.

By the way, his cabin is still occupied by the 40-year-old league record holder Milan Petržela. And God forbid we want to retire him.

After the past few weeks, he was sure he couldn’t have asked for a more fitting place to say goodbye.

2024-05-14 07:58:44
#GLOSSARY #art #goodbye #Slovácko #plays #Champions #League #coach


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