From Tragedy to Triumph: The Para-Badminton Journey of David Bisbal’s Brother

From Tragedy to Triumph: The Para-Badminton Journey of David Bisbal’s Brother

It’s been about a year since an unfortunate accident ended with José María, the older brother of David Bisbal, in a wheelchair. She had to spend months in the Toledo Paraplegic Hospital learning to deal with this new situation. And, among everything she found to support his recovery and to get excited, there is badminton. Or, rather, para-badminton. Sport has been a refuge for him and, furthermore, it seems that he is not bad at all.

We had already talked about the possibility of him being one of the representatives of our country in the Olympic Games.Paralympic games that will be held in Paris this summer. Also about how a setback had prevented him from being in the game of that championship that could give him a pass to such an important event for any athlete. Now, what we write about is the medals that he hung around his neck a few days ago with his racket in hand.

Of the medals that know glory

It was in the Spanish Absolute and Parabadminton Championship, played a little over a week ago in Cartagena (Murcia), alongside Juan Carlos Quintana with whom he formed a pair where he won bronze in doubles and silver in the individual category. The feat? She has only been in this world for eight months. As he explained to the ‘Diario de Almería’, he began “purely by chance at the National Hospital for Paraplegics of Toledo”. A medium in which he emphasized that these medals only serve him “to learn and try to improve”.

Because its ultimate goal has never been to achieve anything more than an incentive on which to build this new life: “The idea is to encourage people who have my injury to get out of the house and play sports, since it helps a lot on a mental, physical and human level. It is complementary rehabilitation and a sport that can be played as a family”. A very noble purpose and one that, thanks to the news that he stars in because he is the brother of someone he is, can be of great help to those who are in a situation similar to his.

This is how the news of the spinal cord injury was announced

It was in November of last year when the first details of what had happened to the brother of one of the most representative voices of the best musical variety that you hear on CADENA 100 were known. It was he himself who gave a brief statement to the news portal ‘Informalia’ in which he explained what happened without going into too much detail. “I was recently discharged from this magnificent hospital where I was admitted for almost five months due to a spinal cord injury”, he referred with that affection to the medical center where he had been treated. “You can live like this, in fact, I am living like this and I am completely self-sufficient, I don’t need help from anyone,” she added in a positive tone, although without forgetting what it has cost her to reach this point of acceptance: “I arrived with quite severe depression, because this injury is difficult to accept. But once accepted and assimilated, I decided to move forward! “I am very happy and eager to enjoy life.”

“Everyone told me in Almería that I was going to the best hospital of this type in Spain and perhaps in Europe, but I think that not even the professionals who told me this knew what this hospital really means and what it offers to patients. with spinal cord injury”, he continued highlighting the work that has been done with him in that medical center where he has seen terrible things, as he related: “I have been able to see many people who have been admitted without moving their legs or arms and yet they have They left on foot, some with crutches, others with a walker and even without any of these tools. In my case, I am in a wheelchair, they have taught me to live with it, because it is not just about the daily rehabilitation of your injury.but they teach you to dress yourself, to go from the chair to the bed and vice versa, to get on and off stretchers, get on and off the car.

“They teach you to go to the bathroom alone, to shower alone, to get out of the chair, to get on it, to go up and down sidewalks, to go down steps. You can do painting or memory workshops, different wheelchair sports like table tennis , basketball, badminton. That is, they teach you to live like this and to face the reality that exists outside the hospital,” José María explained before acknowledging that he has had a decisive support point in this entire process: Lupe, his wife. “Without the great help during the first months from Lupe, my wife, I don’t know what would have happened”he addressed her.

2024-05-20 08:30:30
#medal #David #Bisbals #brother #won #goal #encourage #people #injury #Trending #topic


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