Frightening Brawl Erupts in Poggibonsi’s Via Trento, Sparking Fear Among Residents

There were scary moments experienced in the late afternoon today in via Trento in Poggibonsi. Everything happens in a handful of excited seconds. A car #brawl #poggibonsi #fear #lite

There were moments of fear experienced in the late afternoon today due to a fight that took place in via Trento in Poggibonsi. Everything happens in a handful of excited seconds. A car stops across the road and blocks traffic. Some people get out and head decisively towards a small group standing on the pavement. Someone is brandishing a baseball bat.

It is not clear what the reason for the brawl was, and which people were actually involved. Someone from the street records the scene with their cell phone and calls 112. State police, carabinieri and municipal police arrive. Whoever filmed the scene was chased and intimidated.

The police are trying to clarify and restore normality. The road is reopened. Identifications and the collection of testimonies begin to understand the reason for what happened. Then at least two people are taken to the barracks.

On site, some citizens are shocked to comment on what happened. What is scary is the lack of tranquility that you are starting to experience even in Poggibonsi.

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2024-05-05 19:09:37
#Brawl #Trento #moments #fear #due #threats #baseball #bat


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