Navigating Challenges: Paula Badosa’s Journey to Roland Garros 2024

“Physically, I feel good. Having managed to play four games for the first time, in Rome, made me happy. The body thing is not easy, it is a complicated process, there are days that are worse, others that are better, I also go there regulating it a lot. It’s a reality, I’m not going to fool myself, I don’t think I’ll ever arrive and say, ‘I’m perfect’, but we’re managing it as best we can, with the team, that’s the most important thing. Maybe where I suffer a lot is emotionally, the days I wake up a little worse because my fears and insecurities come in about how long this will last or if I will be able to spend much longer doing it this way.” This statement, from Paula Badosa, explains quite well the situation that the Spanish tennis player, 26 years old and 140th in the world, has been experiencing for more than a year, who will debut at Roland Garros 2024 next Tuesday, against the British Harriet Dart.

It will be his return to the French Grand Slam, three years away due to the back injury that has tormented him since he was a quarterfinalist in Rome in 2023. Precisely, and as Badosa herself emphasizes, it was in the Italian city where he recovered good feelings ago. a few days and wants them to continue in Paris. “Removing that slightly more negative part, the positive is that I am playing well, I am looking forward to it. I come to play in one of my favorite tournaments, last year I couldn’t, a year ago I just broke down, and I think there is a lot of positive in being able to be here. In Italy I got many positive things, like the simple fact of playing on courts that I like, against good rivals, with a lot of fans, to feel competitive. For me that is already a lot and if I can achieve that consistency for longer, I think that, and I have already shown it many times, the level is there.”

Regarding her spinal condition, Paula explains that it is “very complicated, it happens a little day by day.” “I have spoken to some players who have had something similar, and who have even had to retire. And with others who can continue in some way. I am taking injections to feel a little better and so that the pain goes away. Not even doctors know a bit about the perfect solution, there isn’t one. After Rome, I needed more special treatment to get here and rest a few days longer than necessary and push harder on others. I’m going to say a word that I don’t like, it’s a pain, yes, because I would like to be able to be normal as before the injury and have certain conditions and minimums. I try to do what depends on me, I am going to mentally try to be as good as possible,” argues the woman from Begur.

Emotions and private life

Badosa recognizes that in this process, the worst thing for her is the mental part: “I am very emotional, it is difficult for me to manage, but I am working on it daily, at least if the physical is not where I would love it to be or where I would like it to be. was, that at least mentally she is fresh, that she can cope with it, that she can carry it in a game and that she can manage it as best as possible.”

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It was inevitable that Paula would be asked about her relationship with Stefanos Tsitsipas, who revealed to a journalist on Friday that the two had resumed their romance. “Well, he already said it all. It’s pretty clear. The relationship is working very well now. She already explained it. I have nothing else to say. It’s already our private life. I think one of the things I didn’t like or we didn’t like is that it was very public, so now we want to keep things a little more on our own. I still understand that it’s not going to be easy because we are two public people and people will ask, but we want to keep it to ourselves more, because it’s never easy to combine our careers with that. We will try to keep it simple for both of us, because I think it helps and is healthier.”

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2024-05-25 11:07:03
#Badosa #suffer #emotionally #fears #insecurities


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