Former Vélez Players Speak Out: “It Was All Consensual”

Former Vélez Players Speak Out: “It Was All Consensual”
  • Vélez Case: “Nothing happened without her wanting it,” said Cufré LA GACETA
  • Osorio and Cufré, two of the former Vélez players reported for sexual abuse in Tucumán, spoke: “Let this nightmare end” Clarín
  • Two of Vélez’s former players broke the silence: “Everything that happened was consensual” eltrece
  • Cufré and Osorio, former Vélez players, spoke for the first time after the accusation of sexual abuse: “It was all consensual” Diario El Dia
  • Sexual abuse in Vélez Sarsfield: Cufré and Osorio broke the silence El Destape
  • 2024-05-25 03:10:49
    #Vélez #Case #happened #wanting #Cufré #GACETA


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