Fenerbahçe Beko Falls to Panathinaikos in THY Euroleague Final Four, Will Play for Third Place

Fenerbahçe Beko faced the Greek representative Panathinaikos, coached by Ergin Ataman, in the THY Euroleague Final Four. Fenerbahçe lost the match played at the Uber Arena in Berlin, Germany, 73-57, and missed the chance to reach the Euroleague finals.


The yellow-dark blue team will play the third place match against the loser of the Real Madrid – Olympiacos match, which will be played tonight, on Sunday, May 26, at 18.00 CET. Panathinaikos will play the championship match with the winner of this match on the same day at 21.00 CET.


While the yellow-dark blue team could not score points in the first 4 minutes due to simple ball losses, Panathinaikos made the score 12-0 in this period.

While Guduric entered the game after the break, Fenerbahçe Beko scored its first point with Hayes-Davis, 4 minutes and 47 seconds before the end of the period: 12-2.

The yellow-dark blue team, which was more effective in the opponent’s basket in the remaining part of the quarter, could not show the same success in defense. The first period of the match ended with Panathinaikos leading 22-13.

Fenerbahçe Beko, who was more careful in defense in the second period, reduced the difference to 4 points with a 7-2 series: 24-20.

After the difference decreased, the yellow-dark blue team, who could not hit the 3-point shots, fell behind by 9 points again with consecutive baskets in the basket: 29-20.

Returning from the break with Papagiannis’ 3-point field goal, Fenerbahçe Beko reduced the difference to 5 points with 3 minutes left in the quarter: 34-29.

In the last part, Hayes-Davis was the one who reduced the difference to 2 with the free throws and the points he scored from outside the 3-point line: 38-36.

The second half of the match started with mutual baskets between the two teams: 48-45. Both Panathinaikos and Fenerbahçe Beko drew attention with their ball losses in the first 5 minutes.

While Panathinaikos increased the difference to 6 points after fouls against Tarık Biberovic, Fenerbahçe Beko reduced the difference to 1: 51-50 with 5 points scored by Sestina and Dorsey from fast attacks.

While the difference increased to 3 points with Lessort’s 2 points from the free throw, the green-white team entered the last quarter ahead 56-50 with Kalaitzakis’ 3-point field goal.

The last quarter of the match started with Panathinaikos’ 4-0 series: 60-50.

The last 4 minutes of the match were led by 10 points: 65-55.

In the remaining time, the Greek team widened the gap even further and won the match 73-57.

Salon: Uber Arena

Referees: Ilija Belosevi (Serbia), Carlos Peruga (Spain), Mehdi Difallah (France)

Panathinaikos ACTOR: Papapetrou 9, Grant 13, Nunn 14, Lessort 17, Mitoglou 2, Kalaitzakis 5, Sloukas 4, Grigonis 6, Hernangomez 3, Antetokounmpo

Fenerbahçe Beko: Motley, Wilbekin 2, Hayes-Davis 14, Pierre, Calathes 5, Sertaç Şanlı 7, Papagiannis 3, Tarık Biberovic 4, Guduric 10, Dorsey 2, Sestina 10

1st Period: 22-13

Circuit: 38-36

3rd Period: 56-50


Statement from THY EuroLeague regarding the match start time “Due to delays in fans entering Uber Arena, the game will start in just over 10 minutes.” statements were included.

It was stated that EuroLeague officials will not start the match until approval is received from the German police. After the necessary security measures were taken, the match started with a delay of approximately half an hour.


Yellow-dark blue fans gave great support to Fenerbahçe Beko, who played against Greece’s Panathinaikos AKTOR team in the first match of the Basketball THY Europa League Final Four.

Yellow-dark blue fans, mostly Turkish citizens living in Germany and Europe, showed great interest in the match played at the Uber Arena in Berlin, the capital of Germany.

Fans gathered in Alexanderplatz square throughout the day and then came around the Uber Arena and started waiting for the match time.

Greek fans and Turkish fans, who came to the match to support Panathinaikos, responded and cheered each other for a long time.

Events occurred before the match

Despite the German police taking intense security measures, incidents occurred among the fans before the match.

While there were injuries due to foreign objects thrown at each other by Turkish and Greek fans, the police detained many fans.

Berlin Police Department made a statement regarding the events.

Noting that many fans gathered around Uber Arena, the police department used the following statements in its statement:

“There were clashes where bottles were thrown between rival fan groups. As the entrances started, a large group took advantage of this situation and gained entry to the sports hall without a ticket. Personal information of those involved in the incident was taken.”

Fans who entered without tickets were removed from the hall after being detected. The police later reopened the entrances to the hall. Many fans were able to enter the arena after the match started, even though the match started 25 minutes late.

People looking for tickets around the hall created interesting scenes

Fans who wanted to watch the THY Europa League Final Four matches but could not find tickets, searched for tickets with the cardboards they held around the Uber Arena.

Turkish, Greek and Spanish citizens, who announced that they needed tickets by writing on cardboards of various sizes in many different languages, entered the fan groups and announced to everyone that they were looking for tickets.

Hidayet Türkoğlu watched the match

Turkish Basketball Federation President Hidayet Türkoğlu watched the match played between Fenerbahçe Beko and Panathinaikos.

Türkoğlu, who came to Berlin in the morning, will also follow the final and third place matches to be played on Sunday.

Panathinaikos after 12 years

Greek team Panathinaikos played in the Final Four after 12 years.

The green-white team, which won the Europa League Cup 6 times, last appeared in the finals held in Istanbul in 2012.

The Greek team managed to qualify for the Final Four for the first time since then, under the management of Turkish head coach Ergin Ataman.

In the last Final Four in which Panathinaikos competed, Olympiacos won the championship by beating CSKA Moscow 62-61. Two arch-rivals, Panathinaikos and Olympiacos, took part in the Final Four together again after 12 years.

Final Four started with a visual feast

The opening of the Final Four started with a visual feast.

Before the first match of the organization, dance and fire shows were performed on the court before the teams entered the field.

The festival, where the laser show created a different ambiance in the hall, received applause from the fans of both teams.

2024-05-24 21:22:38
#Fenerbahçe #missed #chance #Euroleague #final #Minute #Sports #News


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