Erika Ender tells the story behind the song she composed for ‘El Puma’

Each song has its own story, not only told in its lyrics and melodies, but the story behind its conception. This time, Panamanian singer-songwriter, Erika Ender, He shares with his followers from all over the world how he composed thehe song “Grateful” by José Luis Rodríguez, “El Puma”.

“All my life I grew up singing and admiring José Luis Rodríguez “El Puma”, what could I imagine that in life one day he would approach me and say ‘Erika Ender, I want you to write me a song’”.

The Puma tells its part of the story: “The song is called ‘Grateful’ and I am grateful to Erika for giving me that song that has been like and testimony of my life for many people.”

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The Panamanian singer-songwriter confesses that The Venezuelan singer had just undergone surgery: “He had been transplanted, two lungs had been transplanted, I think at 72 years old, which makes him a true champion.”

That’s how she got inspired. He told him his story and in 20 minutes he had the song ready, El Puma remembers with surprise: “My dear Erika Ender had the melody, she had the lyrics and believe me, each line of those lyrics is a space in my life,” he acknowledged.

For the Panamanian composing is like a psychological session: “being able to get into the heads and hearts of the artists, understanding what they want to say and how they want to reach their audience.”

Erika’s part in “Grateful” It was not limited to the composition and meeting with the performer, since José Luis Rodríguez invited her to participate in the video clip, to the promotional agenda, to sing it on stage in Miami: “All the time I told him no, Jose, that’s your song, I mean, I already did my job and he told me no, because I’m also grateful to you, because everything I wanted to explain to people, you helped me to translate it.”

For the composer of “Despacito”, El Puma is a true gentleman, dand those artists who are no longer left: “who not only respect art but also the art of composing” He noted, at the same time that he expressed his affection, respect, affection, friendship and trust.

2024-05-26 22:39:33
#Erika #Ender #tells #story #song #composed #Puma


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