Empowering Lives: Support and Resources for Bipolar Disorder

From this platform we want to provide you with information about Bipolar Disorder and our work to help those affected and their families. You will be able to access all the information through the Menu, where we will inform you of our Activities such as Workshops, Talks, Exhibitions, News and Articles about the Disorder, and much more.

Granabip is a group of people and family members affected by Bipolar Disorder, which emerged in 2008 with the purpose of carrying out a collective activity in a stable, democratically organized, apolitical and non-profit manner.
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  • Support affected people and their families from the first moment.
  • Promote training, increasing the participation of members and their families in decisions…
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    Bipolar disease consists of an alteration of the mechanisms that regulate mood, so that the usual changes that any person experiences in their vital tone are accentuated to a point that may require hospitalization.
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    2024-05-23 16:01:16


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