Élan du Séguran Teams Triumph in Pre-Region Championship Finals at Home

This Sunday, May 19, the U18 Girls and seniors teams (girls and boys) of Élan du Séguran hosted their opponents at home, in the Foulayronnes gymnasium for the Pre-Region championship finals.

The day began with the final of the young U18 girls players from the CTC de l’Élan du Séguran.

Having done everything to earn their place in the final, the players of Thierry C. and Serge N. gave everything on the pitch. Unfortunately, they will finish second in the ranking following their defeat against Lévignac (41-61).

Senior women: warriors to the end

As for the senior players, it was a great feat that they achieved. They won a resounding victory in the championship final, defeating GAB with a final score of 56-44. This victory crowns an exceptional season where the players recorded only one defeat, with a promotion to R3.

From the start of the match, the Élan du Séguran players were a little shy and the score was close (29-21, 20th). But, as soon as they returned from the locker room, they knew how to impose their rhythm, demonstrating an impenetrable defense and an effective attack. Their collective performance made it possible to quickly widen the gap with the GAB who, despite their efforts, could not come back to the score. The senior girls’ season was marked by a series of impressive victories. Their single defeat served as a lesson, strengthening their cohesion and determination. Each match was an opportunity to refine their strategies and show steady progression, culminating in this final victory. The supporters, who came in large numbers to witness this final, played a crucial role in supporting their team with fervor. The cheers and encouragement resonated throughout the match, creating an electric atmosphere that galvanized the players. On the men’s side, Arnaud B.’s players lost at the gates of the final against the Port-Sainte-Marie team (48 to 54), keeping them in second position in the championship and thus allowing them access to R3.

A great season from the players who didn’t give up.

2024-05-22 09:20:12
#women #Élan #Séguran #champions


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