DP World Chile renews certification as South America’s port leader that uses 100% renewable energy |

“DP World Chile, through its DP World San Antonio and DP World Lirquén terminals, renewed for the third year in a row its certification as a port leader in South America that uses 100% renewable energy, confirming DP World’s global commitment to be carbon neutral to 2050 and its leadership as a sustainable logistics operator,” reported Emilio Crucer, HSSE Senior Director of DP World Chile.

Crucer added that “the use of 100% renewable energy, the reduction of fossil fuels in our operations, maximizing efficiency and proactively incorporating innovative technologies are allowing us to reduce the carbon footprint of Chile’s international trade, with a direct benefit for our customers and its consumers.”

“The incorporation of renewable energy allowed emissions from our terminals to drop more than 58% in San Antonio and close to 40% in Lirquén. DP World Chile guarantees a reduction in the carbon footprint of the products and services of its exporting clients, importers and shipping lines. This renewal of certification is equivalent in Lirquén to planting more than 13 thousand trees in one year and in San Antonio to removing more than a thousand combustion vehicles from circulation in the year and planting almost 36 thousand trees in one year.

Emilio Crucer explained that “it is a pride to have received the certificate that certifies that the electrical energy we use comes from renewable sources. This achievement brings us significantly closer to our goal of being carbon neutral by 2050, with Colbún as our strategic partner in this mission. “We are developing various technological solutions to continue our commitment to be more efficient in our operations, always with a focus on protecting the environment in the areas where we operate.”

This recognition to DP World Chile was delivered by the energy company Colbún and certified by EY.

2024-05-24 06:26:42
#World #Chile #renews #certification #South #Americas #port #leader #renewable #energy


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