Dornbirn Dominates Doubleheader Against Wiener Neustadt Diving Ducks and Indians

On Saturday, two top teams in the baseball league, the Indians and the Wiener Neustadt Diving Ducks, met in Dornbirn. It was all the more surprising that both games ended up being quite decisive.

After two scoreless periods, game one soon went in the direction of the reigning champions from Lower Austria. Three runs in the third and two more in the fourth inning paved the way for the Ducks to win 7-1 away. With good pitching from starter Eoghan McGarry, reliever Klaus Scheicher and closer Moritz Scheicher as well as solid defense, the guests held the Indians to just four hits and one run.

On the winning side, the top of the batting order was particularly impressive on offense – Max Tracey (two hits, one run batted in), Elias Kreska (two hits, one run batted in) and Melvin Perdue (three hits, one run batted in). But McGarry also recorded three hits.

Dornbirn dominated the second game

In the afternoon, the Indians managed to get their revenge. This time, it was the hosts themselves who took the lead and took a 3-0 lead in the first inning. Newcomer Randy Cuentas Castro had everything under control on the mound. It was not until the eighth inning that the import showed signs of fatigue and had to accept three late runs from the Ducks.

At this point, the match was already decided in favor of the home team, who scored a total of nine runs. Ferdinand Obed, a long-time Diving Ducks player, was once again outstanding for the Vorarlberg team, scoring two hits for four runs batted in. Dornbirn ultimately won the split with a 9:4 victory in the second game.

2024-05-26 14:36:16
#Baseball #Diving #Ducks #Wiener #Neustadt #split #Dornbirn #Indians


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