Developing Tactical Skills in Judo and Soccer: A Lesson Plan for 13-14 Year Olds with DEI Recommendations


This class plan seeks for students, between 13 and 14 years old, to develop tactical skills in two different sports: Judo and Soccer. It will focus on individual and collective tactical progression in each of these sports, promoting decision making, communication through movement and the development of physical and coordinative capabilities. Respect for cultural and gender differences will be promoted, as well as the adoption of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Editor: Aitor Gomez

Academic area: Physical Education

Subject: Sport

Age: Between 13 to 14 years

Duration: 2 class sessions of 2 hours each session

The Lesson Plan has DEI recommendations: Diversity, Inclusion and Gender

Published on May 21, 2024


Session 1: Tactical Progression in Judo (2 hours) Activity 1: Introduction to tactical progression in Judo (30 minutes)

We will begin with a brief theoretical presentation on tactical progression in Judo, including key concepts and examples. Students will be able to watch an explanatory video to understand better.

Activity 2: Practice of individual techniques (1 hour)

Students will practice different Judo techniques individually, focusing on the application of the tactical progression learned. They will be provided with constant feedback.

Activity 3: Tactical application in pairs (30 minutes)

Students will work in pairs to apply the techniques learned in simulated combat situations. Your ability to make tactical decisions will be evaluated.

Session 2: Tactical Progression in Football (2 hours) Activity 1: Theory and tactical analysis in Football (30 minutes)

A theoretical review of tactical progression in Football will be carried out, analyzing different game systems and roles within the team. Practical examples will be presented.

Activity 2: Individual skills training (1 hour)

Students will work on developing individual technical skills, focusing on tactical progression within the field of play. Specific exercises will be performed.

Activity 3: Tactical application in collective play (30 minutes)

A soccer match will be organized where students must apply the tactics learned in a real game context. Your ability to adapt and make decisions as a team will be evaluated.

Recommendations to integrate ICT+AI

Session 1: Tactical Progression in Judo (2 hours) Activity 1: Introduction to tactical progression in Judo (30 minutes)

To enrich this activity with technology, the use of virtual reality could be incorporated. Students could have the opportunity to experience tactical Judo situations in an immersive way, allowing them to better understand the concepts presented in a more dynamic way.

Activity 2: Practice of individual techniques (1 hour)

For this activity, an AI-based motion analysis system could be used. Students could receive automatic feedback on the correct execution of techniques, helping them improve more accurately in real time.

Activity 3: Tactical application in pairs (30 minutes)

To encourage tactical decision making, a Judo combat situation simulator could be used. Students could be faced with AI-generated scenarios, challenging them to make quick and strategic decisions.

Session 2: Tactical Progression in Football (2 hours) Activity 1: Theory and tactical analysis in Football (30 minutes)

To enrich this activity, a collaborative digital whiteboard could be used where students can interact and create tactical diagrams in real time. This would encourage active participation and visual understanding of the concepts presented.

Activity 2: Individual skills training (1 hour)

For this activity, an AI-based personalized training application could be used. Students could receive exercises tailored to their specific improvement needs, optimizing their technical skill development.

Activity 3: Tactical application in collective play (30 minutes)

To improve the Football match experience, real-time player tracking technology could be used. This would allow analyzing the tactical performance of each student during the game and providing detailed feedback for improvement.

DEI Recommendations

DEI recommendations for the lesson plan DEI recommendations for the GENDER EQUITY lesson plan:

Gender equity is essential in the educational field to ensure that all students have the same opportunities and feel included. Below are some recommendations to integrate gender equity into this lesson plan:

1. Diversification of roles:

In Judo and Soccer activities, it encourages role rotation so that both male and female students can experience different positions and responsibilities within the teams. This helps break gender stereotypes and promotes equal opportunities.

2. Inclusive examples:

When presenting theoretical or practical examples, be sure to use both masculine and feminine references. Highlights examples of outstanding athletes of both genders in each discipline to show the diversity and talent in sport, promoting gender equality.

3. Inclusive communication:

Encourages all students to actively participate in discussions and activities, creating an environment where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are respected, regardless of gender. Encourage active listening and mutual respect among all participants.

4. Equitable evaluation:

When evaluating student performance in Judo and Football activities, ensure that the evaluation criteria are fair and equitable for both genders. Recognizes and values ​​the effort and achievements of all students, regardless of gender.

5. Promotion of female references:

It highlights the importance of having female role models in sports and the importance of including women in all sports disciplines. Invite athletes, coaches or relevant figures in women’s sports to share their experiences with students to inspire and motivate everyone.

By integrating these recommendations into the lesson plan, you will help create an inclusive, respectful and equitable environment where all students, regardless of their gender, can enjoy, learn and fully develop in Judo and Football activities.

2024-05-21 08:21:20
#Tactical #progression #Judo #Football


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