Daytona-Virtus Rifredi: a neighborhood in paradise

There is a famous line by Pieraccioni in the film “The Graduates” which reads: “the unforgettable days in a man’s life are five or six, the rest adds up”.

If we were to paraphrase this statement in the world of football, and specifically today to the Rifredi fans, we could certainly say that it fits perfectly.

How else can you define the victory of a second category Tuscany championship in the play-off?

But before talking about today’s match it is necessary to take a step back.

In Rifredi, a well-known Florentine neighbourhood, two groups of young people were created in 2013 to follow the youth teams: the first is the Rude Boyz, in support of the juniors. The other group, the Hooligans Rifredithe students follow.

Two situations are emblematic in this regard: the first relating to the change in the way of experiencing the stadium, which precisely in those years, between the birth of the Supporter’s Card and the increasingly pressing restrictions, saw the birth of many local realities (neighborhood or country), where you can support more freely, without searches by drug traffickers or bans bordering on the grotesque.

The second is how many kids left their neighborhood to start waving a flag, playing a drum or lighting a torch.

If initially the age of those who followed the fate of the two teams was the same as those who played, as they grew the two groups merged, joining forces to support the first team.

Being still alive, eleven years after that beginning, can certainly be considered an excellent result. Being in a good number for the category (30/40 regular appearances for a Second League championship) is even more so.

Who knows if those boys, who like pioneers began to follow their friends, would have ever imagined doing this whole journey: twinning with the Greek ultras of Ilsiakos, a team from a neighborhood of Athens, active in what would be our series C; to find themselves playing a playoff to rise to the first category in Montelupo Fiorentino (the choice of leaving by train was wonderful, in the end there will be around a hundred yellow and blue ultras boarding the convoy); not to sleep for a week in view of this day, in the hope of conquering a category never achieved before.

And in relation to the sporting aspect, we cannot fail to mention the championship journey of the Florentine association, which was incredible and deserves to be told.

Having left to save themselves quietly, being a freshman, the team found itself in the playoff zone right from the start. An excellent position considering that direct promotion now seemed to be in the hands of Daytona (a team that has no organized groups following); However, the latter team has collapsed incredibly in the last month, suffering four consecutive defeats and allowing their pursuers a sensational recovery.

Before the last day the ranking even saw three teams in the lead. The situation remained intact even after the last ninety minutes, where each had collected a further three points. Calculator in hand, we had to resort to the separate ranking: perfect parity even in head-to-head matches.

At that point, the regulations took into consideration the goal difference relating to the direct clashes themselves, leaving one of the three teams out and decreeing the play-off between Daytona and Virtus Rifredi.

And it was the Florentine team who won the crucial match, moreover in extra time with the decisive goal of three to two scored thanks to a splendid half-overhand kick, after a swing of infinite emotions.

Something that will remain forever in the mind of every Gialloblu fan.

In those who years from now, at a dinner at the club or in front of a beer, will be able to say: “but do you remember that day in Montelupo?”

It is the victory of a neighborhood.

The victory of Massimiliano, a historic club figure who passed away too soon in a tragic road accident, of “Mauro the blond”, a folkloristic character of the yellow and blue fans, who also passed away and was depicted by a large flag.

The victory of the Rude Boyzwho didn’t stop encouraging the team for a second, even though the tension of the match was palpable.

The victory of many kids (many very young) who probably took a train for an away trip for the first time and from today maybe they will fall in love with this lifestyle.

The victory of a club that rolled up its sleeves after a “character” had taken away its FIGC registration, starting from scratch and proud to have an ultras group following it (how many times does it happen at these levels that clubs turn their mouths in front of the presence of those who would like to cheer?).

Yes, let’s face it frankly: if there had been no ultras today it would have been a simple play-off to access the first category.

Certainly important, but that would have ended there.

Rifredi won, i won Rude Boyz.

A neighborhood has ascended to heaven.

And no one intends to come down.

Matteo Biondi
Photo by Stefano Fiumalbi

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2024-05-20 13:04:44
#DaytonaVirtus #Rifredi #neighborhood #paradise


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