Covid-19 vaccines: This is how headaches occur prior to blood clots

He neurologist Tomás Segura and doctor José Alonso Ruiz They visit ‘Horizonte’ to talk about the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines, which they already warned about in our program in 2021. Ruiz details how they are produced in the brain the strong pains of head that precede the thrombi.

Although it does not occur in the majority of those vaccinated against Covid-19, there are thousands of cases worldwide of people who have experienced severe headaches after the vaccine was injected.

Next to neurologist Tomás Segurahe Doctor José Alonso Ruizradiologist, psychologist and professor of Medicine, explains the importance of knowing what is happening with vaccines against Covid-19 to be able to continue moving forward: “It is clear that we need to know the truth. Science without truth does not advance. Sometimes you have to be cold enough to say how much we have come and how much we have failed“, sentence in ‘Horizonte’.

He doctor remembers It has been several years since both he and the neurologist Tomás Segura they realized that some patients came with severe headaches after having been vaccinated: “Yes, it is true that at the beginning we realized that some people who entered They came in with a powerful headache (headache) and with certain discomforts (which could be secondary to small embolisms).”

Ruiz acknowledges that It is not a pain that most people experience. of those vaccinated, but it does stand out that cases have increased in recent years: “It must be recognized that the data on side effects are relatively low, although they have increased lately. According to the series from 2022 to 2024, Before it was a very rare case every 1 million and now it is every 50,000”.

He Doctor José Alonso Ruiz explain it brain complexity and in what specific area is where these severe pains have been occurring: “The problem with the brain is that it has very important main arteries. These arteries they carry the blood and this blood is collected through the is coming. Here there is one venous zone (lower posterior part) which is the venous sinus. The problem is that one of the side effects of these vaccines is the production of a thrombus that inflames the entire cerebral area of ​​the venous area. It’s like you cover a way of the venous area where the blood cannot return, it cannot move, it creates pressure, edema, and causes terrible pain.”


2024-05-10 00:37:16
#Covid19 #vaccines #headaches #occur #prior #blood #clots


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