Conte-Napoli meeting, AdL accelerates. But there is the issue of severance pay


The president of Napoli, burned by the three coaches this season, thinks about every detail of the contract to propose to Conte

14 mag 2024

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Antonio Conte he can’t wait to get back to coaching, he’s excited as his deputy Stellini reported a few hours ago, even more so given that he knows there are teams willing to please him. Among these, it is now known, in the front row is the Napoli since it’s the ball of Aurelio de Laurentiis which is evaluating every aspect of an operation that would restore enthusiasm to the environment and would be an important building block to quickly rebuild everything beautiful that was destroyed after last season’s championship. According to Alfredo Pedullà this desire came true last Saturday, in a meeting between Naples and Conte where we talked about figures (salary of 6.5-7 million plus 2 bonus): we are not yet at the final stage but it is a significant step for AdL’s ambitions.

On the other hand, among the aspects considered, the economic one cannot fail to be at the forefront, even more so after a year in which De Laurentiis had to pay three coaches (Garcia, formally under contract until 2025 but with an option that should conclude the agreement at the end of June; Mazzarri and Calzona with whom the agreement expires in a month and a half).

The former Azzurri coach had made it known to all his suitors – including Milan – that the economic claims filtered in recent months are inaccurate: it is true that at Tottenham, between fixed income and bonuses, he earned over 15 million euros but the coach knows very well that in Serie A are figures outside the parameters and it is no coincidence that Stellini has specified how
The project counts, more than the salary.

The salary, according to Corriere della Sera, is however only part of the mosaic: the issue on AdL’s table is more than anything else about a possible early separation, given how much it has been burned this year. And then he could propose one to Conte
agreed severance pay in the event of failure to qualify for the Champions League and therefore of divorce between the parties.

In any case, the fact that we are already thinking about these details and these scenarios makes us understand how Napoli is focusing strongly on this option, also so that it is
Pioli than Gasperini – the first two alternatives – are now on standby: the first has said that he will compete with Milan only at the end of the season (and therefore only then will it be understood whether he will be able to immediately free himself from the contract with the Rossoneri or not) while the second still has an ending of a year to be experienced without taking into account that there is the fear that he could use the Napoli side to obtain a better agreement in the case of a renewal with Atalanta.

2024-05-14 08:08:32
#ConteNapoli #meeting #AdL #accelerates #issue #severance #pay


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