Colorful Celebration of School Sports Without Barriers in Foggia: A Regional Success Story

Foggia: provincial festival of school sports without barriers, “it was an explosion of colors and desire to be together” Regional Councilor (On Saturday 25 May 2024)
Below is a press release issued by Raffaele Piemontese, Councillor regional of Puglia: Running competitions, table football, badminton, table tennis, shot put and discus throws: a real party of the sport experienced by disabled and non-disabled children and young people, without distinctions, along and around the University Center athletics track sportivo of Foggia. The party provincial of the sport school without barrierswho concluded the project regional “School, sport and Disability”, is stata explosion Of colors e wants Of stare Together between teachers, students and tutors who animated the year school 2023-2024 the activities developed by the Department sport for All of the Puglia Region, Italian Paralympic Committee of Puglia and Office school regional. “Other than a return to differential classes: this experience teaches everyone, especially adults, the enormous value of integration and the physical-psychic benefits generated by physical activity and practice sportVAT everyone lived Together”, said the vice president of the Puglia Region and Councillor allo sport for Everyone, Raffaele Piemontese, present at the event Together to the president of CIP Puglia, Giuseppe Pinto, to the contact person for the CIP School Vito Sasanelli, to the contact person for sport of the Office school regionalGiantommaso Perricci, and toCouncillor allo sport of the Municipality of FoggiaDomenico Di Molfetta.Read the whole news on noinotizie
2024-05-25 04:14:20
#Foggia #provincial #festival #barrierfree #school #sports


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