Club Brugge Coach Nicky Hayen Discusses Preparation for Potential Title Match Against Anderlecht

The possible title match between Anderlecht and Club Brugge is being heavily discussed from the corner of Brussels, but how is the Bruges camp preparing for the clash? Coach Nicky Hayen: “Anyone who says that there is a lot of pressure on us now is reversing the perception.”

There is certainly tension in Neerpede, but is it also at the rival in Bruges? “Not exactly,” replied Nicky Hayen, who immediately applied Mark van Bommel’s tactics.

“I’ll turn the question around: who would have thought before the first matchday against Cercle Brugge that we could still play for the title at this stage? Very few people, I think.”

“We started something where we could only win things and not lose things. We want to continue with that momentum.”

“We played convincing matches, matches with a very good mentality and there was also the luck factor.”

“If you say that there is a lot of pressure on us now, you turn the perception around. We are sure of European football, but we can decide for ourselves which ticket it will be.”

“We want to start the match on Sunday so that we can still play for the title on the final day.”

20 out of 24 is very nice, but we knew we had to achieve the perfect series to participate. That’s still working and hopefully we can keep it up. Our numbers are good, but they have to be perfect to take the title. There is no margin for error.

Nicky Hayen

Club Brugge still has a chance to win the title. If it goes wrong, it would be a disappointment. “Now you’re getting ahead of the facts,” he countered. “I don’t want to think like that.”

“There will also be tension at Anderlecht. We want to do everything we can to postpone it and extend it until next weekend.”

“20 out of 24 is very nice, but we knew we had to achieve the perfect series to participate. We still managed that and hopefully we can keep it up.”

Would Club then deserve the title? “We are playing very strong play-offs. Our numbers are good, but they have to be perfect to win the title. There is no margin for error.”

Can Club Brugge cheer in Anderlecht?


Will the outcome of the title debate also determine the future of Hayen himself? “I won’t answer that,” dribbled the Bruges T1. “That is a question for the board.”

“I’m not concerned with it either. It has been clearly agreed that this subject will be discussed after the last matchday and that will happen. As a matter of sport, we will fight for it until the very last second.”

But with a title, Hayen can of course strengthen his negotiating position. “Anyone here always has the ambition to remain T1. It would be strange if that were not the case, but I am not concerned with it.”

“Becoming champion is fantastic. That is the most important thing. We still have everything to win. We are eager and hungry.”


2024-05-17 13:29:03
#Nicky #Hayen #margin #error #postpone #Sunday


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