Carolina Marín shines on ‘La Resistencia’ with champion guest appearance

‘La Resistencia’ closed the week with a champion as a guest, Carolina Marín from Huelva, one of the best athletes in the world in her discipline, badminton, also being a favorite to win a medal, or rather gold, at the next Olympic Games in Paris 2024. As usual, David Brocano did not hesitate and asked the Andalusian athlete the classic questions of the program, which Marín was not shy about answering.

In case anyone doesn’t know, the classic questions of the program are about the amount of money in the bank that the guests have and the number of sexual relations in the last month, there being a scoring system specific to ‘La Resistencia’ to answer the question. second question. When David Broncano began to explain said points system, Carolina Marín quickly cut him off to make a clear assessment with a somewhat uncomfortable laugh. “Let’s see, I’ll tell you. I’ve had a crisis, so… There’s the bad thing,” indicated the Huelva native.

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Broncano became curious and wanted to know more, asking when this crisis occurred, which took place “a week ago”, although the Andalusian athlete added that “I’m fine.” The presenter wanted to make light of the matter and joke about the subject. “Again I asked a good journalistic question,” he said, generating laughter from the audience and the guest.

Although the classic question had become somewhat tense, Carolina Marín gave a good example of the friendliness that characterizes her and did not hesitate to talk about sexual relations. “You can talk, nothing happens. Since there was a crisis, I have calculated little, to be honest,” she continued. “Fuck goodbye two points”, added the presenter of ‘La Resistencia’ with a laugh. “I have calculated, more or less, between three and four,” Marín finally responded, to which Broncano replied that “in total? It’s hard, huh.”

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Of course, like the Huelva native’s previous visit to the program, David Brocano wanted to play a small badminton match, although the result, like the first time, left no doubt. The presenter of ‘La Resistencia’ was left without consummating his particular revenge and from the program’s social networks they took advantage of the occasion to leave their prediction about what Carolina Marín will do in the next Olympic Games in Paris. “Let them put his name on the medal in Paris, thank you”wrote the community manager of ‘La Resistencia’ on the official X account (former Twitter) of the program.

2024-05-17 09:34:24
#Carolina #Marín #surprises #Resistencia #problems #love #matters..


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