City of Ostia-Akkademy Aprilia: between passion and determination

This Sunday saw what appears to be the last day for the third category of Lazio’s group A. The stands of Lodovichetti they warm up for the Lido team from the popular Roman neighborhood, which with this match could overtake the guests of Akkademy Aprilia and reach second position, thus sitting on the silver seat of the rankings.

One of the few amateur teams that can boast similar support; a warmth that is hard to find today in the stands of a higher category. The Città di Ostia fans, together with the entire team, embrace a teammate who was unable to be present at the match due to some personal circumstances. The players enter the pitch, before the starting whistle, with a banner that reads: “A strong wind won’t make a mountain crumble! Come on, President!”. The message of solidarity is further colored with a smoke bomb while the two challengers are ready to start hostilities. A magnetic atmosphere that captures even the casual viewer.

The particular setting underlined by the pyrotechnics and the choirs pushes the team from the Capitoline coast which finds the advantage with Durante in the 55th minute; Akkademy equalized in the 70th minute with Casentini but the match no longer showed any further upheavals: the final 1-1 did not move the standings, the Pontini team consolidated second place, while the Lidensi remained in third place. Not bad, it was still a season to remember and it could be an excellent viaticum if next year the team and fans are able to replicate and improve what has been built in recent months.

Marta Capanni

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2024-05-24 15:04:25
#City #OstiaAkkademy #Aprilia #passion #determination


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