Cities should leave fewer spaces for cars – El Sol de México

Cities should leave fewer spaces for cars – El Sol de México

Leipzig.- In this German city, public transport and cycle paths have left little space for private vehicles, a model that should be supported in all global metropolises, specialists and authorities agreed during the closing of the annual summit of the International Forum of Transportation (IFT).

Burkhard Jung, mayor of Leipzig, considered that cities must “go back” to people and reduce spaces for private cars, this through the promotion of a better public transport system.

“It is a long road, it takes time to transform this, but public transportation will be a key factor,” said the official.

In this regard, the Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications of Chile, Juan Carlos Muñoz, who assumed the presidency of the ITF this week, pointed out that to achieve this goal, funds are required from both public and private investment.

We need more subsidies for public transportation, but we have to think that it is an investment and not a cost, because it is something that brings benefits to society and the local economy, Muñoz stressed.

In this regard, Mohamed Mezghani, secretary general of the International Union of Public Transport (UITP), recalled that for every dollar that cities invest in improving or expanding public transportation, they have a return of between four and five dollars for the local economy.

The specialist added that public transportation also generates 25 percent more jobs in cities.

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For academic Lake Sagaris, when public transportation becomes more efficient and reduces journeys, it has positive impacts on society, by having a better perception of safety and sustainability in cities.

The specialists agreed that these changes must occur hand in hand with the population, that is, that any policy decision aimed at improving transportation must be made based on listening to what people demand.

2024-05-24 16:53:07
#Cities #leave #spaces #cars #Sol #México


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