Chungju City Sports Association for the Disabled Collaborates with Tangeum Middle School for Special Physical Education Experience

[아이뉴스24 한준성 기자] The Chungju City Sports Association for the Disabled in North Chungcheong Province is conducting a collaborative class on special physical education for the disabled for 150 first-year students at Tangeum Middle School in Chungju.

The cooperative class, which started on the 20th, was designed to establish students’ values ​​without prejudice and discrimination against disabilities and to improve awareness of disabilities.

Chungju Tangeum Middle School students are experiencing wheelchair badminton on the 22nd. [사진=충주시장애인체육회]

There are four disability experience sports, including goalball, boccia, and wheelchair badminton.

Until the 23rd, students will have time to understand the disabled by riding in a wheelchair or blindfolded and experiencing it like an actual disabled person.

They also learn how to operate a wheelchair, play wheelchair badminton, and experience the concept of integrated sports where disabled and non-disabled people come together.

The Chungju City Sports Association for the Disabled plans to expand special sports cooperation classes to improve awareness of people with disabilities. Next month, Geumga Elementary School and Namsan Elementary School will each run a physical education experience class for the disabled.

/Chungju = Reporter Han Jun-seong([email protected])

2024-05-22 11:51:24
#Chungju #Sports #Association #Disabled #Tangeum #Middle #School #collaborative #class #disabled


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