Christos Tzolis: Borussia Mönchengladbach’s Top Scorer Target for 2023/24 Season

Made some goalkeepers look old in the 2023/24 season, like Ron Thorben Hoffmann here on April 7, 2024: Christos Tzolis was almost unstoppable in recent months.

Roland Virkus (57) was supposed to guide him to Gladbach, and his predecessor Max Eberl (50) also tried it – Borussia now apparently has a big advantage in poker!

123 goals were scored in Borussia Mönchengladbach’s first 34 Bundesliga matches under Gerardo Seoane (45)! For much of the season, Gladbach’s duels were a spectacle.

Gladbach’s interest in top scorers greater than ever? New report from his homeland

While Borussia’s big construction site was clearly defensive, those responsible for the Fohlen are apparently also interested in strengthening their offensive capabilities.

The focus is once again on an old friend for whom the season is still ongoing – and for whom there is still a lot at stake in the coming days. It’s not just in football Germany that people are looking forward to the two relegation games between Fortuna Düsseldorf and VfL Bochum.

There will certainly be a few football fans in Greece too. After all, Christos Tzolis (22), one of the hottest prospects in Greek football, is currently playing for a place in the top flight.

Tzolis is currently on loan from Norwich to Fortuna and has shown what potential he has. The left winger has scored 22 goals this season in the 2. Bundesliga and also provided seven assists.

This means that the 22-year-old is joint top scorer in the lower house, and he can still become a promotion hero in the NRW state capital in the coming days.

What will happen for him beyond the relegation games remains to be seen. The Greek was first linked to Borussia in 2021, when Max Eberl wanted to steer him to Germany.

According to media reports, in 2022 Daniel Farke (47) hoped to welcome Tzolis, with whom he had already worked in Norwich, to his squad. However, the transfer did not take place on both attempts.

During the second half of the season, Borussia has been linked with the winger again, and interest seems to be greater than ever. As the major Greek news portal “Sport24” reported on Tuesday (May 21, 2024), Gladbach is currently the “biggest and most important interested party” in the Tzolis poker.

However, the situation is certainly complicated: Fortuna secured a purchase option for the national player. If promoted, Düsseldorf could sign Tzolis for five million euros; if he stays in the second division, the purchase price should be 3.5 million euros.

Christos Tzolis ended the 2023/24 second division season as one of three players with 22 goals. For this he received the top scorer award on May 19, 2024.

Financially, the third-place team from the last second division season would have to stretch to be able to handle such a deal and the resulting salary costs for the top earner. There is still a persistent possibility that Tzolis could be resold profitably a short time later.

“Sport24” is suggesting a two million euro deal for a possible Gladbach deal – depending on whether Fortuna is promoted or not. If Düsseldorf stays in the second division, the demand would be five million euros, and if they are promoted, it would cost eight million euros.

According to the report, Tzolis sees his future in Germany beyond the summer. This could be an important advantage for Borussia in Tzolis’ third attempt.

In his first two attempts, a move to the Bundesliga would have been a big step, as he was still playing in Greece and at Norwich.

Now the right-footed player knows his way around not only Germany, but also the Rhineland – he feels at home both athletically and personally. In addition, he could forgo another move in the event of a move to Gladbach, so Borussia could also benefit from Tzolis’ outstanding season with their Rhineland rivals.

2024-05-23 05:56:19
#22goal #scorer #Gladbach #XXL #advantage #attempt


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